Chiral perturbation theory for heavy hadrons and chiral effective field theory for heavy hadronic molecules

L Meng, B Wang, GJ Wang, SL Zhu - Physics Reports, 2023 - Elsevier
Chiral symmetry and its spontaneous breaking play an important role both in the light
hadron and heavy hadron systems. The chiral perturbation theory (χ PT) is the low energy …

Decoding the phase structure of QCD via particle production at high energy

A Andronic, P Braun-Munzinger, K Redlich, J Stachel - Nature, 2018 -
Recent studies based on lattice Monte Carlo simulations of quantum chromodynamics
(QCD)—the theory of strong interactions—have demonstrated that at high temperature there …

B0s→ η′ η′ decay

R Aaij, B Adeva, M Adinolfi, A Affolder… - Physical Review …, 2015 -
The first observation of the $ B^ 0_s\to\eta'\eta'$ decay is reported. The study is based on a
sample of proton-proton collisions corresponding to $3.0 $${\rm fb^{-1}} $ of integrated …

Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmology from cosmic shear and robustness to data calibration

A Amon, D Gruen, MA Troxel, N MacCrann… - Physical Review D, 2022 - APS
This work, together with its companion paper, Secco, Samuroff et al.[Phys. Rev. D 105,
023515 (2022) PRVDAQ 2470-0010 10.1103/PhysRevD. 105.023515], present the Dark …

KiDS-1000 Cosmology: Multi-probe weak gravitational lensing and spectroscopic galaxy clustering constraints

C Heymans, T Tröster, M Asgari, C Blake… - Astronomy & …, 2021 -
We present a joint cosmological analysis of weak gravitational lensing observations from the
Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS-1000), with redshift-space galaxy clustering observations from …

Electron reconstruction and identification in the ATLAS experiment using the 2015 and 2016 LHC proton–proton collision data at  

M Aaboud, G Aad, B Abbott, DC Abbott… - The European Physical …, 2019 - Springer
Algorithms used for the reconstruction and identification of electrons in the central region of
the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are presented in this paper; these …

Review of Particle Physics: particle data groups

M Tanabashi, K Hagiwara, K Hikasa, K Nakamura… - Physical Review …, 2018 -
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous
editions, plus 2,873 new measurements from 758 papers, we list, evaluate, and average …

CMB-S4 science case, reference design, and project plan

K Abazajian, G Addison, P Adshead, Z Ahmed… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2019 -
CMB-S4 Science Case, Reference Design, and Project Plan Page 1 CMB-S4 Science Case,
Reference Design, and Project Plan CMB-S4 Collaboration July 9, 2019 arxiv:1907.04473v1 …

Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A

IceCube Collaboration, MAGIC, AGILE, ASAS-SN… - Science, 2018 -
INTRODUCTION Neutrinos are tracers of cosmic-ray acceleration: electrically neutral and
traveling at nearly the speed of light, they can escape the densest environments and may be …

[PDF][PDF] Parton distributions from high-precision collider data: NNPDF Collaboration

RD Ball, V Bertone, S Carrazza, LD Debbio… - The European Physical …, 2017 - Springer
We present a new set of parton distributions, NNPDF3. 1, which updates NNPDF3. 0, the first
global set of PDFs determined using a methodology validated by a closure test. The update …