[KNYGA][B] Intensyfikacja i dezintensyfikacja w języku polskim i słowackim

S Sojda - 2022 - ceeol.com
Odniesienia do kategorii intensywności są obecne w lingwistyce oraz w innych dziedzinach
pozalingwistycznych, np. w filozofii czy psychologii. Od ponad stulecia intensywność jest …

A format for the description of German modal particles and their functional equivalents in Croatian and English

M Kresić, MB Angster, G Diewald - Pragmatic Markers, Discourse …, 2017 - degruyter.com
This paper presents a format for a cross-linguistic, corpus-based description of the formal
features and the function of modal particles (hereafter: abbreviated as MPs) and their …

[HTML][HTML] A corpus-based study of maximizer–adjective patterns in Croatian

I Lacić - Language Sciences, 2024 - Elsevier
Maximizers represent a subclass of degree modifiers that convey the highest degree to
which a property can be carried out. This paper studies five Croatian near-synonymous …

[PDF][PDF] A corpus-based study of maximizer–adjective patterns in Croatian

I Lacic - Language Sciences, 2024 - researchgate.net
abstract Maximizers represent a subclass of degree modifiers that convey the highest
degree to which a property can be carried out. This paper studies five Croatian near …

[PDF][PDF] Adverbial intensifiers in contemporary Polish and Slovak

S Sojda - Jazykovedny Casopis, 2019 - sciendo.com
The paper discusses the intensifying functions of some lexical units derived from adverbs in
a cross-linguistic Polish-Slovak perspective. The expression of intensification in Polish and …

The Impact of Online Social Media on Translation Pedagogy and Industry

A Omar, H Ethleb, YA Gomaa - 2020 Sixth International …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Despite the impact of online social media language and applications on translation theory
and practice, Arabic translation studies are so far largely based on what is referred to as …

Intensyfikatory przysłówkowe w chorwackim i polskim języku potocznym—wartościowanie, subiektywizacja i ekspresywność

P Pycia-Košćak - 2024 - dspace.uni.lodz.pl
Złożona kategoria intensywności ma swoje wyznaczniki na różnych poziomach językowych:
fonologicznym, morfologicznym, leksykalnym i składniowym. Celem niniejszego …

An insight into the Croatian degree modifi er paradigm and its clustering profi les

I Lacić - Suvremena lingvistika, 2024 - ceeol.com
Degree modifiers represent linguistic items employed to alter other elements in relation to
their degree. Despite being a well–studied category in English linguistics, degree modifiers …

[PDF][PDF] Contatto e discorso. Prime annotazioni su alcuni segnali discorsivi nello slavo-molisano

A Marra - Lingue in contatto e linguistica applicata: individui e …, 2021 - unora.unior.it
This article deals with the topic of discourse markers in the Slavic of Molise, a minority
language in prolonged contact with romance varieties of the same area. In this contribution, I …

[PDF][PDF] The expression of surprise: mirative “but”. A constructional proposal for cross-linguistic analysis

D Niclot - Unpublished MA Thesis, Heinrich Heine University …, 2018 - academia.edu
This thesis targets the usage of but and its equivalents in other languages as particles for
indexing the category of mirativity, which relates to the expression of surprise (DeLancey …