[KNYGA][B] Intensyfikacja i dezintensyfikacja w języku polskim i słowackim
S Sojda - 2022 - ceeol.com
Odniesienia do kategorii intensywności są obecne w lingwistyce oraz w innych dziedzinach
pozalingwistycznych, np. w filozofii czy psychologii. Od ponad stulecia intensywność jest …
pozalingwistycznych, np. w filozofii czy psychologii. Od ponad stulecia intensywność jest …
A format for the description of German modal particles and their functional equivalents in Croatian and English
This paper presents a format for a cross-linguistic, corpus-based description of the formal
features and the function of modal particles (hereafter: abbreviated as MPs) and their …
features and the function of modal particles (hereafter: abbreviated as MPs) and their …
[HTML][HTML] A corpus-based study of maximizer–adjective patterns in Croatian
I Lacić - Language Sciences, 2024 - Elsevier
Maximizers represent a subclass of degree modifiers that convey the highest degree to
which a property can be carried out. This paper studies five Croatian near-synonymous …
which a property can be carried out. This paper studies five Croatian near-synonymous …
[PDF][PDF] A corpus-based study of maximizer–adjective patterns in Croatian
I Lacic - Language Sciences, 2024 - researchgate.net
abstract Maximizers represent a subclass of degree modifiers that convey the highest
degree to which a property can be carried out. This paper studies five Croatian near …
degree to which a property can be carried out. This paper studies five Croatian near …
[PDF][PDF] Adverbial intensifiers in contemporary Polish and Slovak
S Sojda - Jazykovedny Casopis, 2019 - sciendo.com
The paper discusses the intensifying functions of some lexical units derived from adverbs in
a cross-linguistic Polish-Slovak perspective. The expression of intensification in Polish and …
a cross-linguistic Polish-Slovak perspective. The expression of intensification in Polish and …
The Impact of Online Social Media on Translation Pedagogy and Industry
Despite the impact of online social media language and applications on translation theory
and practice, Arabic translation studies are so far largely based on what is referred to as …
and practice, Arabic translation studies are so far largely based on what is referred to as …
Intensyfikatory przysłówkowe w chorwackim i polskim języku potocznym—wartościowanie, subiektywizacja i ekspresywność
P Pycia-Košćak - 2024 - dspace.uni.lodz.pl
Złożona kategoria intensywności ma swoje wyznaczniki na różnych poziomach językowych:
fonologicznym, morfologicznym, leksykalnym i składniowym. Celem niniejszego …
fonologicznym, morfologicznym, leksykalnym i składniowym. Celem niniejszego …
An insight into the Croatian degree modifi er paradigm and its clustering profi les
I Lacić - Suvremena lingvistika, 2024 - ceeol.com
Degree modifiers represent linguistic items employed to alter other elements in relation to
their degree. Despite being a well–studied category in English linguistics, degree modifiers …
their degree. Despite being a well–studied category in English linguistics, degree modifiers …
[PDF][PDF] Contatto e discorso. Prime annotazioni su alcuni segnali discorsivi nello slavo-molisano
A Marra - Lingue in contatto e linguistica applicata: individui e …, 2021 - unora.unior.it
This article deals with the topic of discourse markers in the Slavic of Molise, a minority
language in prolonged contact with romance varieties of the same area. In this contribution, I …
language in prolonged contact with romance varieties of the same area. In this contribution, I …
[PDF][PDF] The expression of surprise: mirative “but”. A constructional proposal for cross-linguistic analysis
D Niclot - Unpublished MA Thesis, Heinrich Heine University …, 2018 - academia.edu
This thesis targets the usage of but and its equivalents in other languages as particles for
indexing the category of mirativity, which relates to the expression of surprise (DeLancey …
indexing the category of mirativity, which relates to the expression of surprise (DeLancey …