An introduction to uncertainty quantification for kinetic equations and related problems

L Pareschi - Trails in kinetic theory: Foundational aspects and …, 2021 - Springer
We overview some recent results in the field of uncertainty quantification for kinetic
equations and related problems with random inputs. Uncertainties may be due to various …

A bi-fidelity method for the multiscale Boltzmann equation with random parameters

L Liu, X Zhu - Journal of Computational Physics, 2020 - Elsevier
In this paper, we study the multiscale Boltzmann equation with multi-dimensional random
parameters by a bi-fidelity stochastic collocation (SC) method developed in [52],[70],[71]. By …

Hypocoercivity for a BGK model for gas mixtures

L Liu, M Pirner - Journal of Differential Equations, 2019 - Elsevier
We consider a kinetic model for a two component gas mixture without chemical reactions.
Our goal is to study hypocoercivity for the linearized BGK model for gas mixtures in …

Spectral convergence of the stochastic Galerkin approximation to the Boltzmann equation with multiple scales and large random perturbation in the collision kernel

ES Daus, S **, L Liu - arxiv preprint arxiv:1810.12992, 2018 -
In [L. Liu and S. **, Multiscale Model. Simult., 16, 1085-1114, 2018], spectral convergence
and long-time decay of the numerical solution towards the global equilibrium of the …

Error estimate of a bifidelity method for kinetic equations with random parameters and multiple scales

IM Gamba, S **, L Liu - International Journal for Uncertainty …, 2021 -
In this paper, we conduct uniform error estimates of the bifidelity method for multiscale
kinetic equations. We take the Boltzmann and the linear transport equations as important …

On the multi-species Boltzmann equation with uncertainty and its stochastic Galerkin approximation

ES Daus, S **, L Liu - ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and …, 2021 -
In this paper the nonlinear multi-species Boltzmann equation with random uncertainty
coming from the initial data and collision kernel is studied. Well-posedness and long-time …

High Order IMEX Stochastic Galerkin Schemes for Linear Transport Equation with Random Inputs and Diffusive Scalings

Z Chen, L Mu - Communications on Applied Mathematics and …, 2024 - Springer
In this paper, we consider the high order method for solving the linear transport equations
under diffusive scaling and with random inputs. To tackle the randomness in the problem …

A Study of Multiscale Kinetic Models with Uncertainties

L Liu - Young Researchers Conference, 2021 - Springer
There have been many challenges in studying multiscale kinetic models with uncertainties.
Quantifying uncertainties in the models such as arisen from collision kernels, initial or …

Stochastic Galerkin methods for the Boltzmann-Poisson system

JAM Escalante, C Heitzinger - Journal of Computational Physics, 2022 - Elsevier
We study uncertainty quantification for a Boltzmann-Poisson system that models electron
transport in semiconductors and the physical collision mechanisms over the charges, using …