Application of graph theory for identifying connectivity patterns in human brain networks: a systematic review
Background: Analysis of the human connectome using functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) started in the mid-1990s and attracted increasing attention in attempts to …
imaging (fMRI) started in the mid-1990s and attracted increasing attention in attempts to …
[HTML][HTML] The'middle-aging'brain
Middle age has historically been an understudied period of life compared to older age, when
cognitive and brain health decline are most pronounced, but the scope for intervention may …
cognitive and brain health decline are most pronounced, but the scope for intervention may …
Local-global parcellation of the human cerebral cortex from intrinsic functional connectivity MRI
A central goal in systems neuroscience is the parcellation of the cerebral cortex into discrete
neurobiological “atoms”. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) …
neurobiological “atoms”. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) …
The heterogeneity problem: approaches to identify psychiatric subtypes
The imprecise nature of psychiatric nosology restricts progress towards characterizing and
treating mental health disorders. One issue is the 'heterogeneity problem': different causal …
treating mental health disorders. One issue is the 'heterogeneity problem': different causal …
Effects of aging on functional and structural brain connectivity
JS Damoiseaux - Neuroimage, 2017 - Elsevier
Over the past decade there has been an enormous rise in the application of functional and
structural connectivity approaches to explore the brain's intrinsic organization in healthy and …
structural connectivity approaches to explore the brain's intrinsic organization in healthy and …
Small-world human brain networks: perspectives and challenges
Modelling the human brain as a complex network has provided a powerful mathematical
framework to characterize the structural and functional architectures of the brain. In the past …
framework to characterize the structural and functional architectures of the brain. In the past …
Development of large-scale functional networks from birth to adulthood: A guide to the neuroimaging literature
DS Grayson, DA Fair - Neuroimage, 2017 - Elsevier
The development of human cognition results from the emergence of coordinated activity
between distant brain areas. Network science, combined with non-invasive functional …
between distant brain areas. Network science, combined with non-invasive functional …
Decreased segregation of brain systems across the healthy adult lifespan
Healthy aging has been associated with decreased specialization in brain function. This
characterization has focused largely on describing age-accompanied differences in …
characterization has focused largely on describing age-accompanied differences in …
Changes in structural and functional connectivity among resting-state networks across the human lifespan
At rest, the brain's sensorimotor and higher cognitive systems engage in organized patterns
of correlated activity forming resting-state networks. An important empirical question is how …
of correlated activity forming resting-state networks. An important empirical question is how …
Controllability of structural brain networks
Cognitive function is driven by dynamic interactions between large-scale neural circuits or
networks, enabling behaviour. However, fundamental principles constraining these dynamic …
networks, enabling behaviour. However, fundamental principles constraining these dynamic …