A critical systematic review of alcohol-related outcome expectancies
RL Monk, D Heim - Substance use & misuse, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
To assess the validity of the research into alcohol-related outcome expectancies a
systematic review of 80 articles published between 1970 and 2013 was conducted …
systematic review of 80 articles published between 1970 and 2013 was conducted …
Sports and spirits: A systematic qualitative review of emergent theories for student-athlete drinking
J Zhou, D Heim - Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Aims: To review the current literature and critically examine theories used to explain the link
between athletic status and hazardous alcohol consumption, and highlight emergent …
between athletic status and hazardous alcohol consumption, and highlight emergent …
Adolescents' reported reasons for alcohol and marijuana use as predictors of substance use and problems in adulthood
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine how reasons for substance use at age 18
relate to alcohol and marijuana use at ages 18 and 35 and to symptoms of alcohol use …
relate to alcohol and marijuana use at ages 18 and 35 and to symptoms of alcohol use …
The long arm of expectancies: Adolescent alcohol expectancies predict adult alcohol use
Aims: Alcohol expectancies are strong concurrent predictors of alcohol use and problems,
but the current study addressed their unique power to predict from adolescence to midlife …
but the current study addressed their unique power to predict from adolescence to midlife …
Risk for excessive alcohol use and drinking-related problems in college student athletes
There is compelling evidence that college student athletes engage in frequent episodes of
heavy drinking and are prone to negative consequences resulting from such use. This study …
heavy drinking and are prone to negative consequences resulting from such use. This study …
Alcohol consumption, athlete identity, and happiness among student sportspeople as a function of sport-type
Aims To examine the differences in alcohol consumption and psychosocial antecedents
between team and individual sportspeople via secondary data analysis. Methods …
between team and individual sportspeople via secondary data analysis. Methods …
Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana expectancies as predictors of substance use initiation in adolescence: A longitudinal examination.
Outcome expectancies have been found to be predictive of substance use. While
development of expectancies may be dynamic during adolescence, it is unknown whether …
development of expectancies may be dynamic during adolescence, it is unknown whether …
A daily-level analysis of moderators of the association between alcohol expectancies and alcohol use among college student drinkers
Background: Alcohol expectancies, or the perceived likelihood of experiencing certain
effects after consuming alcohol, are associated with college student drinking such that …
effects after consuming alcohol, are associated with college student drinking such that …
Sports participation and alcohol use: associations with sports-related identities and well-being
Objective: Studies indicate that those participating in sports are a high-risk population for
hazardous alcohol use. Previous research identifies psychosocial drivers underpinning this …
hazardous alcohol use. Previous research identifies psychosocial drivers underpinning this …
Binge-drinking and non-binge-drinking student-athletes: The role of proximal norms, negative expectancies, and selected sociodemographic variables
Researchers have identified college student-athletes as a subgroup at risk for heavy
drinking and associated consequences. Yet, few studies have examined multiple variables …
drinking and associated consequences. Yet, few studies have examined multiple variables …