[HTML][HTML] Stem cells and the differentiation hierarchy in mammary gland development
The mammary gland is a highly dynamic organ that undergoes profound changes within its
epithelium during puberty and the reproductive cycle. These changes are fueled by …
epithelium during puberty and the reproductive cycle. These changes are fueled by …
Insights from transgenic mouse models of PyMT-induced breast cancer: recapitulating human breast cancer progression in vivo
Breast cancer is associated with the second highest cancer-associated deaths worldwide.
Therefore, understanding the key events that determine breast cancer progression …
Therefore, understanding the key events that determine breast cancer progression …
Mammary gland development: cell fate specification, stem cells and the microenvironment
The development of the mammary gland is unique: the final stages of development occur
postnatally at puberty under the influence of hormonal cues. Furthermore, during the life of …
postnatally at puberty under the influence of hormonal cues. Furthermore, during the life of …
Mammary stem cells and the differentiation hierarchy: current status and perspectives
The mammary epithelium is highly responsive to local and systemic signals, which
orchestrate morphogenesis of the ductal tree during puberty and pregnancy. Based on …
orchestrate morphogenesis of the ductal tree during puberty and pregnancy. Based on …
[HTML][HTML] Mechanisms governing metastatic dormancy and reactivation
Many cancer patients suffer from metastatic relapse several years after they have undergone
radical surgery. Early cancer cell dissemination followed by a protracted period of dormancy …
radical surgery. Early cancer cell dissemination followed by a protracted period of dormancy …
A decade of GWAS results in lung cancer
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were successful to identify genetic factors
robustly associated with lung cancer. This review aims to synthesize the literature in this field …
robustly associated with lung cancer. This review aims to synthesize the literature in this field …
GATA3 suppresses metastasis and modulates the tumour microenvironment by regulating microRNA-29b expression
Despite advances in our understanding of breast cancer, patients with metastatic disease
have poor prognoses. GATA3 is a transcription factor that specifies and maintains mammary …
have poor prognoses. GATA3 is a transcription factor that specifies and maintains mammary …
Construction of developmental lineage relationships in the mouse mammary gland by single-cell RNA profiling
The mammary epithelium comprises two primary cellular lineages, but the degree of
heterogeneity within these compartments and their lineage relationships during …
heterogeneity within these compartments and their lineage relationships during …
Phenotypic and functional characterisation of the luminal cell hierarchy of the mammary gland
Introduction The organisation of the mammary epithelial hierarchy is poorly understood. Our
hypothesis is that the luminal cell compartment is more complex than initially described, and …
hypothesis is that the luminal cell compartment is more complex than initially described, and …
PVT1: a rising star among oncogenic long noncoding RNAs
It is becoming increasingly clear that short and long noncoding RNAs critically participate in
the regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and (mis) function. However, while the functional …
the regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and (mis) function. However, while the functional …