[ספר][B] The meaning of color in ancient Mesopotamia

S Thavapalan - 2019‏ - books.google.com
" In The Meaning of Color in Ancient Mesopotamia, Shiyanthi Thavapalan offers the first in-
depth study of the words and expressions for colors in the Akkadian language (c. 2500-500 …

Assyrian Imperial Elites and Textile Culture of the 1st Millennium BC: Sha** Power Visions Through Textiles

S Gaspa - Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History, 2024‏ - degruyter.com
As a crucial component of the materiality of the first world empire, textile culture documented
in archival cuneiform documents, visual art, and archaeological materials from 1st …

Royal Dress and the Expression of Power in Babylonia, First Millennium BCE

L Quillien - Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History, 2024‏ - degruyter.com
Abstract From the Neo-Babylonian period to Hellenistic times, the kings ruling over
Babylonia employed many ways to disseminate their ideology to the people living under …

[ספר][B] The Queens of the Arabs during the Neo-Assyrian period

E Bennett - 2024‏ - books.google.com
The title “Queen of the Arabs” is applied in Neo-Assyrian texts to five women from the
Arabian Peninsula. These women led armies, offered tribute, and held religious roles in their …

Dressed to Dazzle, Dressed to Kill: Staging Assurbanipal in the Royal Lion Hunt Reliefs from Nineveh

O N'Shea - Fashioned Selves. Dress and Identity in Antiquity, 2019‏ - torrossa.com
The lion hunt reliefs from the North Palace of Assurbanipal (668–627 BCE) depict the
encounter of the last great Neo-Assyrian king with the lion, the royal antagonist par …

Dissemination and price of cotton in Mesopotamia during the 1st millennium BCE

L Quillien - Revue d'ethnoécologie, 2019‏ - journals.openedition.org
The archaeological finds attest that cotton textiles appeared in Mesopotamia during the 1st
millennium BC The first attempt to cultivate this plant, according to the available written …

The queen's beauty: leadership as an aesthetic and embodied practice in ancient Mesopotamia

H Vogel - Beautiful Bodies: Gender and Corporeal Aesthetics in …, 2022‏ - torrossa.com
Using Queen Pû-abī as an example, this contribution investigates the aesthetics of
leadership in ancient southern Mesopotamia (modern South Iraq) around 2500 BCE. The …

[PDF][PDF] A Foucaultian View on the Modes of Governance in the Neo-Assyrian Empire: The Good Shepherd

L Portuese - Göttinger Forum für …, 2020‏ - journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de
The religious and imperial ideas of the nineteenth century, the racial views of the first half of
the twentieth, the democratic and globalist perspectives of the period that followed World …

The Construction of Women's Identities through Commemorative Objects in Bronze Age Mesopotamia

N Highcock, C Tsouparopoulou - Altorientalische Forschungen, 2020‏ - degruyter.com
This article focuses on female devotees and divine beneficiaries in Early Mesopotamia,
analyzing the nearly 600 known objects dating to the third and second millennia BCE and …

[ספר][B] The Egyptian Textile Industry: A Socio-Historical Study of the Value of Textiles at the Intersection of Power and Identity During the New Kingdom (c. 1550–1070 …

J Galczynski - 2024‏ - search.proquest.com
This research focuses on the role of textiles and the textile industry during the Egyptian New
Kingdom (c. 1550-1070 BCE). The aim of this study is to develop a holistic understanding of …