The dynamics of legged locomotion: Models, analyses, and challenges

P Holmes, RJ Full, D Koditschek, J Guckenheimer - SIAM review, 2006 - SIAM
Cheetahs and beetles run, dolphins and salmon swim, and bees and birds fly with grace
and economy surpassing our technology. Evolution has shaped the breathtaking abilities of …

Tactile discrimination using active whisker sensors

JC Sullivan, B Mitchinson, MJ Pearson… - IEEE Sensors …, 2011 -
We describe a novel, biomimetic tactile sensing system modeled on the facial whiskers
(vibrissae) of animals such as rats and mice. The “BIOTACT Sensor” consists of a conical …

HAMR3: An autonomous 1.7 g ambulatory robot

AT Baisch, C Heimlich, M Karpelson… - 2011 IEEE/RSJ …, 2011 -
Here we present an autonomous 1.7 g hexapod robot as a platform for research on
centimeter-scale walking robots. It features six spherical five-bar linkages driven by high …

Templates and anchors for antenna-based wall following in cockroaches and robots

J Lee, SN Sponberg, OY Loh… - IEEE Transactions …, 2008 -
The interplay between robotics and neuromechanics facilitates discoveries in both fields:
nature provides roboticists with design ideas, while robotics research elucidates critical …

A novel biomimetic whisker technology based on fiber Bragg grating and its application

C Zhao, Q Jiang, Y Li - Measurement Science and Technology, 2017 -
A novel biomimetic whisker technology based on fiber Bragg grating and its application -
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An insect-inspired bionic sensor for tactile localization and material classification with state-dependent modulation

L Patanè, S Hellbach, AF Krause, P Arena… - Frontiers in …, 2012 -
Insects carry a pair of antennae on their head: multimodal sensory organs that serve a wide
range of sensory-guided behaviors. During locomotion, antennae are involved in near …

Toward dynamical sensor management for reactive wall-following

A De, DE Koditschek - 2013 IEEE International Conference on …, 2013 -
We propose a new paradigm for reactive wall-following by a planar robot taking the form of
an actively steered sensor model that augments the robot's motion dynamics. We postulate a …

Force sensing shell using a planar sensor for miniature legged robots

JD Goldberg, RS Fearing - 2015 IEEE/RSJ International …, 2015 -
Mobile robot contact sensing can be useful for navigation and manipulation with small
robots. In this work, we present a low-cost, 18.7 gram force-torque sensor for a 10 cm …

A biologically inspired multimodal whisker follicle

H Wegiriya, N Sornkarn, H Bedford… - … on Systems, Man …, 2016 -
Mammalian whisker follicle contains multiple sensory receptors strategically organized to
capture tactile sensory stimuli of different frequencies via the vibrissal system. There have …

[PDF][PDF] Bitbots: Simple robots solving complex tasks

A Yershova, B Tovar, R Ghrist… - PROCEEDINGS OF THE …, 2005 -
Sensing uncertainty is a central issue in robotics. Sensor limitations often prevent accurate
state estimation, and robots find themselves confronted with a complicated information …