National training and development Curriculum: Does having access to online “Right-Time” training positively impact Foster/Adoptive Parenting?
Trauma-informed parenting is increasingly essential for children in foster care. This study
evaluated survey responses from participants before and after an in-service, trauma …
evaluated survey responses from participants before and after an in-service, trauma …
Behavioural Patterns of Children in Kaduna State Orphanages: A Comparative Analysis
Background The plight of orphans, exacerbated by conflict, disease, and socioeconomic
factors, remains a pressing global issue, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Nigeria, notably …
factors, remains a pressing global issue, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Nigeria, notably …
Discrepancies between children's and caregivers' child maltreatment reporting and their associations with child wellbeing
Background Child maltreatment reporting is critical for case investigation and service
disposition. However, reporting discrepancies across informants is a challenge for child …
disposition. However, reporting discrepancies across informants is a challenge for child …
Patterns of change in restrictive measures in residential care: Trauma-informed staff training benefits children and youth who need it the Most
Background Implementation of trauma-informed staff training is promising to reduce
restrictive measures (restraints, seclusions, and time-outs) used to address problem …
restrictive measures (restraints, seclusions, and time-outs) used to address problem …