Circuit quantum electrodynamics

A Blais, AL Grimsmo, SM Girvin, A Wallraff - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2021 - APS
Quantum-mechanical effects at the macroscopic level were first explored in Josephson-
junction-based superconducting circuits in the 1980s. In recent decades, the emergence of …

Amplifying quantum signals with the single-electron transistor

MH Devoret, RJ Schoelkopf - Nature, 2000 -
Transistors have continuously reduced in size and increased in switching speed since their
invention in 1947. The exponential pace of transistor evolution has led to a revolution in …

The quantum-to-classical transition

D Schlosshauer - The Frontiers Collection (Springer-Verlag, 2007), 2007 - Springer
Over the course of the past decade, decoherence has become a ubiquitous scienti? c term
popular in all kinds of research, from fundamental theories of quantum physics to …

Experimental issues in coherent quantum-state manipulation of trapped atomic ions

DJ Wineland, C Monroe, WM Itano… - Journal of research …, 1998 -
Methods for, and limitations to, the generation of entangled states of trapped atomic ions are
examined. As much as possible, state manipulations are described in terms of quantum …

Josephson persistent-current qubit

JE Mooij, TP Orlando, L Levitov, L Tian… - Science, 1999 -
A qubit was designed that can be fabricated with conventional electron beam lithography
and is suited for integration into a large quantum computer. The qubit consists of a …

Superconducting persistent-current qubit

TP Orlando, JE Mooij, L Tian, CH Van Der Wal… - Physical Review B, 1999 - APS
We present the design of a superconducting qubit that has circulating currents of opposite
sign as its two states. The circuit consists of three nanoscale aluminum Josephson junctions …

Quantum superposition of macroscopic persistent-current states

CH Van Der Wal, ACJ Ter Haar, FK Wilhelm… - Science, 2000 -
Microwave spectroscopy experiments have been performed on two quantum levels of a
macroscopic superconducting loop with three Josephson junctions. Level repulsion of the …

Environmentally decoupled sds -wave Josephson junctions for quantum computing

LB Ioffe, VB Geshkenbein, MV Feigel'Man… - Nature, 1999 -
Quantum computers have the potential to outperform their classical counterparts in a
qualitative manner, as demonstrated by algorithms which exploit the parallelism inherent in …

Coherent temporal oscillations of macroscopic quantum states in a Josephson junction

Y Yu, S Han, X Chu, SI Chu, Z Wang - Science, 2002 -
We report the generation and observation of coherent temporal oscillations between the
macroscopic quantum states of a Josephson tunnel junction by applying microwaves with …

Adiabatic quantum computation with superconducting qubits

MHS Amin, MFH Steininger - US Patent 7,135,701, 2006 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method for computing using a quantum system compris ing a plurality of
Superconducting qubits is provided. Quan tum system can be in any one of at least two …