Colloquium: Criticality and dynamical scaling in living systems

MA Munoz - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2018 - APS
A celebrated and controversial hypothesis suggests that some biological systems—parts,
aspects, or groups of them—may extract important functional benefits from operating at the …

Universality in driven open quantum matter

LM Sieberer, M Buchhold, J Marino, S Diehl - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 -
Universality is a powerful concept, which enables making qualitative and quantitative
predictions in systems with extensively many degrees of freedom. It finds realizations in …

[CARTE][B] Critical phenomena in natural sciences: chaos, fractals, selforganization and disorder: concepts and tools

D Sornette - 2006 -
Concepts, methods and techniques of statistical physics in the study of correlated, as well as
uncorrelated, phenomena are being applied ever increasingly in the natural sciences …

From the origin of life to pandemics: Emergent phenomena in complex systems

O Artime, M De Domenico - Philosophical Transactions of …, 2022 -
When a large number of similar entities interact among each other and with their
environment at a low scale, unexpected outcomes at higher spatio-temporal scales might …

[CARTE][B] Non-equilibrium phase transitions

M Henkel - 2008 - Springer
“The career structure and funding of the universities [...] currently strongly discourages
academics and faculties from putting any investment into teaching–there are no career or …

25 years of self-organized criticality: Concepts and controversies

NW Watkins, G Pruessner, SC Chapman… - Space Science …, 2016 - Springer
Introduced by the late Per Bak and his colleagues, self-organized criticality (SOC) has been
one of the most stimulating concepts to come out of statistical mechanics and condensed …

Spike avalanches in vivo suggest a driven, slightly subcritical brain state

V Priesemann, M Wibral, M Valderrama… - Frontiers in systems …, 2014 -
In self-organized critical (SOC) systems avalanche size distributions follow power-laws.
Power-laws have also been observed for neural activity, and so it has been proposed that …

Random organization in periodically driven systems

L Corte, PM Chaikin, JP Gollub, DJ Pine - Nature Physics, 2008 -
Understanding self-organization is one of the key tasks for controlling and manipulating the
structure of materials at the micro-and nanoscale. In general, self-organization is driven by …

[CARTE][B] Self-organised criticality: theory, models and characterisation

G Pruessner - 2012 -
" When Bak, Tang, and Wiesenfeld (1987) coined the term Self-Organised Criticality (SOC),
it was an explanation for an unexpected observation of scale invariance and at the same …

Universal scaling behavior of non-equilibrium phase transitions

S Lübeck - International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2004 - World Scientific
Non-equilibrium critical phenomena have attracted a lot of research interest in the recent
decades. Similar to equilibrium critical phenomena, the concept of universality remains the …