[HTML][HTML] Pulsed electric field assisted extraction of natural food pigments and colorings from plant matrices
Coloring compounds are widely applied to manufacturing foods and beverages. The
worldwide food market is replacing artificial colorants with natural alternatives, given the …
worldwide food market is replacing artificial colorants with natural alternatives, given the …
Green extraction methods and environmental applications of carotenoids-a review
This review covers and discusses various aspects of carotenoids including their chemistry,
classification, biosynthesis, extraction methods (conventional and non-conventional) …
classification, biosynthesis, extraction methods (conventional and non-conventional) …
Lignocellulosic analysis of corncob biomass by using non-thermal pulsed electric field-NaOH pretreatment
AW Putranto, SH Abida, K Adrebi - International conference on …, 2021 - atlantis-press.com
In recent years, the second-generation bioethanol and advanced bio-based material
production from biomass are focused on the pretreatment process by separating cellulose …
production from biomass are focused on the pretreatment process by separating cellulose …
Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Pre-Heating pada Kualitas Fisik, Total Mikroba dan Organoleptik Susu Kolagen Sapi yang Dipasteurisasi Menggunakan Pulsed Electric …
Susu merupakan bahan pangan yang mudah rusak pada kualitas nutrisi dan mikrobiologi
disebabkan karena penanganan yang kurang tepat. Saat ini minuman berkolagen menjadi …
disebabkan karena penanganan yang kurang tepat. Saat ini minuman berkolagen menjadi …
Optimization of free radical scavenging capacity and pH of Hylocereus polyrhizus peel by response surface methodology
Red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) peel, a by-product of juice processing, contains a
high antioxidant that can be used for nutraceuticals. Hence, it is important to extract and …
high antioxidant that can be used for nutraceuticals. Hence, it is important to extract and …
Studi variasi kuat medan listrik PEF dan metode pengeringan bahan terhadap senyawa antioksidan ekstrak daun torbangun (Coleus amboinicus L.)
Torbangun leaf (Coleus amboinicus L.) is an Indonesian plant containing phenolic and
flavonoid compounds that act as antioxidants. One method widely used to extract …
flavonoid compounds that act as antioxidants. One method widely used to extract …
Manajemen Risiko K3 Dengan Metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Dan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Untuk Mengidentifikasi Potensi Dan Penyebab …
H Prisilia, DA Purnomo - Tekmapro, 2022 - tekmapro.upnjatim.ac.id
Suatu proyek bidang infrastruktur tentu mempunyai sasaran durasi pengerjaan yang wajib
dilaksanakan dengan cepat serta tepat. Tetapi, pada faktanya selalu terdapat kendala yang …
dilaksanakan dengan cepat serta tepat. Tetapi, pada faktanya selalu terdapat kendala yang …
The potential of various seeds as angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory peptides derived from protein hydrolysate: a short review
Angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) plays an imperative role in the blood pressure
system. It generates intense vasoconstriction by converting angiotensin-I to angiotensin-II …
system. It generates intense vasoconstriction by converting angiotensin-I to angiotensin-II …
Optimization of pulsed electric field processing time and hydrolyzed bovine collagen concentration in pasteurized milk
Milk is a highly perishable food due to its nutritional composition for microbial growth.
Improper milk handling practices cause nutritional reduction and microbial contamination in …
Improper milk handling practices cause nutritional reduction and microbial contamination in …
D Angelina, T Estiasih, AD Priyanto… - Tekmapro, 2023 - tekmapro.upnjatim.ac.id
CV Milkinesia Nusantara merupakan usaha pengolahan susu sapi berskala kecil
menengah di Kabupaten Ponorogo. CV Milkinesia Nusantara akan melakukan …
menengah di Kabupaten Ponorogo. CV Milkinesia Nusantara akan melakukan …