Fluid-structure interactions of cage based aquaculture: From structures to organisms
The study of how fluid interacts with aquaculture cages and how it influences fish swimming
behaviour has proven to be of great importance for designing offshore aquaculture cage …
behaviour has proven to be of great importance for designing offshore aquaculture cage …
Review of the research on the hydrodynamics of fishing cage nets
ZQ Fan, YH Liang, Z Yun-Peng - Ocean Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
Intensifying and expanding sustainable aquaculture is essential for achieving the United
Nations' global goal of the Decade of Action. Cage culture is a typical aquaculture method in …
Nations' global goal of the Decade of Action. Cage culture is a typical aquaculture method in …
[HTML][HTML] Towards a holistic digital twin solution for real-time monitoring of aquaculture net cage systems
Digital twins and relevant concepts are being applied in a wide variety of ways, and they are
of most use when an actual real-world physical system or process (a physical twin) is …
of most use when an actual real-world physical system or process (a physical twin) is …
[HTML][HTML] Development of a coupling algorithm for fluid-structure interaction analysis of submerged aquaculture nets
A coupling algorithm between two open-source numerical toolboxes, ie, OpenFOAM and
Code_Aster, is implemented for fluid-structure interaction analysis of submerged nets. This …
Code_Aster, is implemented for fluid-structure interaction analysis of submerged nets. This …
[HTML][HTML] Feasibility study of a novel open ocean aquaculture ship integrating with a wind turbine and an internal turret mooring system
Marine aquaculture has been expanded into more remote areas due to the increasing
demand for high value-added fish products, bringing more challenges in fuel supply and …
demand for high value-added fish products, bringing more challenges in fuel supply and …
A novel SPM wind-wave-aquaculture system: Concept design and fully coupled dynamic analysis
A fully-coupled aero-hydro-net-mooring time-domain model is constructed by coupling
AQWA and FAST with open-source code F2A, initially used for preliminary analysis of a …
AQWA and FAST with open-source code F2A, initially used for preliminary analysis of a …
Numerical modelling of hydrodynamic responses of Ocean Farm 1 in waves and current and validation against model test measurements
With the continuous growing of the aquaculture industry and increasingly limited fish farming
sites at close to shore areas both in Norway and worldwide, there is a need to develop fish …
sites at close to shore areas both in Norway and worldwide, there is a need to develop fish …
Experimental study of the state-of-the-art offshore system integrating a floating offshore wind turbine with a steel fish farming cage
An innovative offshore system integrating a floating offshore wind turbine with a steel fish
farming cage (FOWT-SFFC) has recently been developed by the two leading authors for …
farming cage (FOWT-SFFC) has recently been developed by the two leading authors for …
Mooring design of offshore aquaculture platform and its dynamic performance
J Yu, X Cheng, Y Fan, X Ni, Y Chen, Y Ye - Ocean Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
Floating offshore aquaculture platforms, or fish cages, are increasingly becoming popular in
recent years in order to meet the world's growing demand for seafood products. These …
recent years in order to meet the world's growing demand for seafood products. These …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of mooring line breakage on dynamic responses of grid moored fish farms under pure current conditions
Due to the lack of sheltered area, Norwegian fish farms are expanding to more exposed and
remote sites. The severe environmental conditions in exposed sites can increase the risk of …
remote sites. The severe environmental conditions in exposed sites can increase the risk of …