Classification and chronology of the collection of arrowheads from ash-hill found in hillfort of the Scythian Cultural Circle in Chotyniec, site 1, Jarosław district

M Burghardt - Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 2020 -
Abstract he paper presents the results of a typo-chronological analysis of arrowheads from
the ash-hill found in the hillfort of the Scythian cultural circle in Chotyniec, site 1, Jarosław …

Enklawa scytyjskiego kręgu kulturowego w południowo-wschodniej Polsce

S Czopek - Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2019 -
In 2016-2018 archaeological excavations were carried out on a large stronghold in
Chotyniec, Jarosław district (south-eastern Poland), and they are still underway. Their …

Znaczenie odkryć w Chotyńcu (południowo-wschodnia Polska) dla interpretacji procesów kulturowo-historycznych na zachodnim Wołyniu i Podolu (Ukraina) we …

S Czopek - Archeologia Polski, 2020 -
W latach 2016–2019 przeprowadzono pierwszy etap wykopalisk na grodzisku w Chotyńcu
(południowo-wschodnia Polska, 8 km od obecnej granicy polsko-ukraińskiej). Odkryte …

[PDF][PDF] Temporal variation of prehistoric human settlement recorded in the oxbow lake deposits of San river (Sandomierz Basin, SE Poland)

P Gębica, A Michno, M Sobucki, S Czopek… - 2019 -
This study presents the sedimentological and pollen analysis, and radiocarbon dating of the
palaeochannel fill deposits situated on the wide alluvial ridge on which 131 archaeological …

Problem chronologii zolnika z grodziska w Chotyńcu i tworzących go poziomów użytkowych w świetle badań nad klasyfikacją i datowaniem szpil

J Adamik-Proksa… - Przegląd …, 2021 -
The article presents the partial results of archaeological research carried out on the burgwall
zolnik in Chotyniec, site 1. It aims to classify the historical objects discovered in terms of …

On the synchronization of the chronology of phenomena and artifacts

S Czopek - Sprawozdania archeologiczne, 2021 -
The article presents a slightly different point of view on the issues related to the chronology
and significance of the Chotyniec agglomeration (SE Poland) from the one presented in the …

The fortified settlement in Chotyniec in previous studies

S Czopek, K Trybała-Zawiślak… - Archaeology and Early …, 2022 -
The article presents the current state of research on the hillfort in Chotyniec, excavated since
2016. The scope and methods of excavations and other research works (eg geophysical …

An enclave of the Scythian cultural circle in south-eastern Poland

S Czopek - Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2019 -
In 2016-2018 archaeological excavations were carried out on a large stronghold in
Chotyniec, Jarosław district (south-eastern Poland), and they are still underway. Their …

Intermarine Area Archaeology and its Contribution to Studies of Prehistoric Europe

A Kośko, M Szmyt, P Makarowicz, M Ignaczak - Open Archaeology, 2022 -
Abstract Intermarine Area Archaeology refers to research programmes focusing on the
prehistory of the Baltic-Pontic Intermarine Area, ie lands extending between the Baltic and …

[PDF][PDF] Przemiany osadnicze w międzyrzeczu rzek Szkło i Lubaczówki w epoce brązu i wczesnej epoce żelaza

A Jabłkowska - 2020 -
The article is a settlement and culture study, in which, after collecting all available sources
and their chronological verification, a deep analysis of habitat preferences was carried out in …