Peninsular India in Gondwana: The tectonothermal evolution of the Southern Granulite Terrain and its Gondwanan counterparts
Peninsular India forms a keystone in Gondwana, linking the East African and Malagasy
orogens with Ediacaran–Cambrian orogenic belts in Sri Lanka and the Lützow Holm Bay …
orogens with Ediacaran–Cambrian orogenic belts in Sri Lanka and the Lützow Holm Bay …
Madagascar and the amalgamation of Central Gondwana
Madagascar lay in an interesting position in Gondwana, straddling one of the largest
orogens that formed as the supercontinent amalgamated. The Malagasy basement …
orogens that formed as the supercontinent amalgamated. The Malagasy basement …
Subaerial weathering drove stabilization of continents
Earth's silica-rich continental crust is unique among the terrestrial planets and is critical for
planetary habitability. Cratons represent the most imperishable continental fragments and …
planetary habitability. Cratons represent the most imperishable continental fragments and …
The Dharwar craton, southern India, interpreted as the result of Late Archaean oblique convergence
B Chadwick, VN Vasudev, GV Hegde - Precambrian Research, 2000 - Elsevier
The Dharwar craton comprises two distinct parts separated by a steep N–S sinistral shear
zone. In the western part a pre-2900Ma complex of orthogneisses, granodiorites and narrow …
zone. In the western part a pre-2900Ma complex of orthogneisses, granodiorites and narrow …
[ספר][B] Continents and supercontinents
JJW Rogers, M Santosh - 2004 -
To this day, there is a great amount of controversy about where, when and how the so-called
supercontinents--Pangea, Godwana, Rodinia, and Columbia--were made and broken …
supercontinents--Pangea, Godwana, Rodinia, and Columbia--were made and broken …
Anatomy of a Cambrian suture in Gondwana: Pacific-type orogeny in southern India?
Southern India occupies a central position in the Late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Gondwana
supercontinent assembly. The Proterozoic mosaic of southern India comprises a collage of …
supercontinent assembly. The Proterozoic mosaic of southern India comprises a collage of …
The lower crust of the Dharwar Craton, Southern India: Patchwork of Archean granulitic domains
U–Pb geochronological, major and trace element and isotope geochemical data identify
crustal domains of contrasted petrological origins and histories in the lower crust of the …
crustal domains of contrasted petrological origins and histories in the lower crust of the …
Neoarchean greenstone volcanism and continental growth, Dharwar craton, southern India: Constraints from SIMS U–Pb zircon geochronology and Nd isotopes
We present SIMS U–Pb zircon ages and Nd isotope data for the felsic volcanic rocks from
seven Neoarchean greenstone belts of the Eastern Dharwar craton (EDC) and from the …
seven Neoarchean greenstone belts of the Eastern Dharwar craton (EDC) and from the …
An exotic Mesoarchean microcontinent: the Coorg block, southern India
Abstract Sandwiched between the Dharwar Craton in the north and the Neoarchean–
Proterozoic crustal blocks to the south, the Coorg Block in southern India is composed …
Proterozoic crustal blocks to the south, the Coorg Block in southern India is composed …
Age and tectonic evolution of Neoproterozoic ductile shear zones in the Southern Granulite Terrain of India, with implications for Gondwana studies
JG Ghosh, MJ de Wit, RE Zartman - Tectonics, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
The high‐grade rocks of the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) of Peninsular India are
bounded to the north by the Archean Dharwar Craton. Another high‐grade terrane, the …
bounded to the north by the Archean Dharwar Craton. Another high‐grade terrane, the …