[HTML][HTML] Hydrogen production, storage and transport for renewable energy and chemicals: An environmental footprint assessment
Hydrogen applications range from an energy carrier to a feedstock producing bulk and other
chemicals and as an essential reactant in various industrial applications. However, the …
chemicals and as an essential reactant in various industrial applications. However, the …
“Colors” of hydrogen: Definitions and carbon intensity
Hydrogen is expected to contribute towards the decarbonization of the global economy. The
high energy content, flexibility, and abundance of this chemical element are reasons why …
high energy content, flexibility, and abundance of this chemical element are reasons why …
The route for commercial photoelectrochemical water splitting: a review of large-area devices and key upscaling challenges
A Vilanova, P Dias, T Lopes, A Mendes - Chemical Society Reviews, 2024 - pubs.rsc.org
Green-hydrogen is considered a “key player” in the energy market for the upcoming
decades. Among currently available hydrogen (H2) production processes …
decades. Among currently available hydrogen (H2) production processes …
Green, turquoise, blue, or grey? Environmentally friendly hydrogen production in transforming energy systems
Hydrogen is a promising energy carrier and feedstock alike for decarbonizing the energy,
transport, and chemical sector and mitigating the effects of global warming. Identifying and …
transport, and chemical sector and mitigating the effects of global warming. Identifying and …
Biofuels, electrofuels, electric or hydrogen?: A review of current and emerging sustainable aviation systems
P Su-Ungkavatin, L Tiruta-Barna, L Hamelin - Progress in Energy and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Climate neutrality is becoming a core long-term competitiveness asset within the aviation
industry, as demonstrated by the several innovations and targets set within that sector, prior …
industry, as demonstrated by the several innovations and targets set within that sector, prior …
Towards underground hydrogen storage: A review of barriers
The presented issues concern the analysis of barriers limiting large-scale underground
hydrogen storage. Prospects for the rapid development of the hydrogen economy, the role of …
hydrogen storage. Prospects for the rapid development of the hydrogen economy, the role of …
[HTML][HTML] Advancements in hydrogen production, storage, distribution and refuelling for a sustainable transport sector: Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
Hydrogen is considered as a promising fuel in the 21st century due to zero tailpipe CO 2
emissions from hydrogen-powered vehicles. The use of hydrogen as fuel in vehicles can …
emissions from hydrogen-powered vehicles. The use of hydrogen as fuel in vehicles can …
Review and comparison of various hydrogen production methods based on costs and life cycle impact assessment indicators
M Ji, J Wang - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021 - Elsevier
Hydrogen is a clean, renewable secondary energy source. The development of hydrogen
energy is a common goal pursued by many countries to combat the current global warming …
energy is a common goal pursued by many countries to combat the current global warming …
From green hydrogen to electricity: A review on recent advances, challenges, and opportunities on power-to-hydrogen-to-power systems
The energy sector is responsible for around two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions, mainly
relying on fossil fuels. Thus, the industry must make substantial changes as part of the global …
relying on fossil fuels. Thus, the industry must make substantial changes as part of the global …
A review on global warming potential, challenges and opportunities of renewable hydrogen production technologies
This review compares global warming potential of renewable hydrogen production
technologies including wind-and solar PV-powered water electrolysis, biomass gasification …
technologies including wind-and solar PV-powered water electrolysis, biomass gasification …