[HTML][HTML] Microbes-mediated sulphur cycling in soil: Impact on soil fertility, crop production and environmental sustainability
S Chaudhary, SS Sindhu, R Dhanker, A Kumari - Microbiological Research, 2023 - Elsevier
Reduction in soil fertility and depletion of natural resources due to current intensive
agricultural practices along with climate changes are the major constraints for crop …
agricultural practices along with climate changes are the major constraints for crop …
Long-distance dispersal of fungi
Dispersal is a fundamental biological process, operating at multiple temporal and spatial
scales. Despite an increasing understanding of fungal biodiversity, most research on fungal …
scales. Despite an increasing understanding of fungal biodiversity, most research on fungal …
[CARTE][B] Introduction to fungi
J Webster, R Weber - 2007 - books.google.com
This new edition of the universally acclaimed textbook on fungal biology has been
completely re-written, to take account of recent progress in the taxonomy, cell and molecular …
completely re-written, to take account of recent progress in the taxonomy, cell and molecular …
Diversity and distribution of floral scent
JT Knudsen, R Eriksson, J Gershenzon, B Ståhl - The botanical review, 2006 - Springer
A list of 1719 chemical compounds identified from headspace samples of floral scent is
presented. The list has been compiled from some 270 published papers, including analyses …
presented. The list has been compiled from some 270 published papers, including analyses …
Volatiles of bacterial antagonists inhibit mycelial growth of the plant pathogen Rhizoctonia solani
Bacterial antagonists are bacteria that negatively affect the growth of other organisms. Many
antagonists inhibit the growth of fungi by various mechanisms, eg, secretion of lytic …
antagonists inhibit the growth of fungi by various mechanisms, eg, secretion of lytic …
[CARTE][B] Floral mimicry
SD Johnson, FP Schiestl - 2016 - books.google.com
Mimicry is a classic example of adaptation through natural selection. The traditional focus of
mimicry research has been on defence in animals, but there is now also a highly-developed …
mimicry research has been on defence in animals, but there is now also a highly-developed …
Relationship between floral fragrance composition and type of pollinator
HEM Dobson - Biology of floral scent, 2006 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter provides a general survey of the literature of floral fragrance chemistry in
relation to pollinator type and presents a tentative effort to uncover possible associations …
relation to pollinator type and presents a tentative effort to uncover possible associations …
Belowground volatiles facilitate interactions between plant roots and soil organisms
K Wenke, M Kai, B Piechulla - Planta, 2010 - Springer
Many interactions between organisms are based on the emission and perception of
volatiles. The principle of using volatile metabolites as communication signals for chemo …
volatiles. The principle of using volatile metabolites as communication signals for chemo …
Chemical ecology of fungi
P Spiteller - Natural Product Reports, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
Covering: up to the end of 2014 Fungi are widespread in nature and have conquered nearly
every ecological niche. Fungi occur not only in terrestrial but also in freshwater and marine …
every ecological niche. Fungi occur not only in terrestrial but also in freshwater and marine …
The chemical diversity of floral scent
JT Knudsen, J Gershenzon - Biology of plant volatiles, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter reviews the structures and abundances of the chemical compound groups in a
wider range of plants, and discusses various aspects of variation in floral scent chemistry …
wider range of plants, and discusses various aspects of variation in floral scent chemistry …