River corridor science: Hydrologic exchange and ecological consequences from bedforms to basins
Previously regarded as the passive drains of watersheds, over the past 50 years, rivers have
progressively been recognized as being actively connected with off‐channel environments …
progressively been recognized as being actively connected with off‐channel environments …
Expanding the role of reactive transport models in critical zone processes
Abstract Models test our understanding of processes and can reach beyond the spatial and
temporal scales of measurements. Multi-component Reactive Transport Models (RTMs) …
temporal scales of measurements. Multi-component Reactive Transport Models (RTMs) …
Ecohydrological interfaces as hotspots of ecosystem processes
In this chapter, the authors aim to uncover the organizational principles–the main drivers
and controls, and their interactions and feedbacks–that determine the development and …
and controls, and their interactions and feedbacks–that determine the development and …
Hyporheic zone denitrification: Controls on effective reaction depth and contribution to whole‐stream mass balance
Stream denitrification is thought to be enhanced by hyporheic transport but there is little
direct evidence from the field. To investigate at a field site, we injected 15NO3−, Br …
direct evidence from the field. To investigate at a field site, we injected 15NO3−, Br …
Organizational principles of hyporheic exchange flow and biogeochemical cycling in river networks across scales
In this chapter, the authors provide a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of the
interactions between important drivers and controls of hyporheic exchange and …
interactions between important drivers and controls of hyporheic exchange and …
Stream metabolism and the open diel oxygen method: Principles, practice, and perspectives
BOL Demars, J Thompson… - Limnology and …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Global quantitative estimations of ecosystem functions are vital. Among those, ecosystem
respiration and photosynthesis contribute to carbon cycling and energy flow to food webs …
respiration and photosynthesis contribute to carbon cycling and energy flow to food webs …
Tracer‐based characterization of hyporheic exchange and benthic biolayers in streams
JLA Knapp, R González‐Pinzón… - Water Resources …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Shallow benthic biolayers at the top of the streambed are believed to be places of enhanced
biogeochemical turnover within the hyporheic zone. They can be investigated by reactive …
biogeochemical turnover within the hyporheic zone. They can be investigated by reactive …
Measuring aerobic respiration in stream ecosystems using the resazurin‐resorufin system
R González‐Pinzón, R Haggerty… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The use of smart tracers to study hydrologic systems is becoming more widespread. Smart
tracers are compounds that irreversibly react in the presence of a process or condition under …
tracers are compounds that irreversibly react in the presence of a process or condition under …
Streambed organic matter controls on carbon dioxide and methane emissions from streams
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from
streambeds are currently understudied. There is a paucity of research exploring organic …
streambeds are currently understudied. There is a paucity of research exploring organic …
A field comparison of multiple techniques to quantify groundwater–surface-water interactions
R González-Pinzón, AS Ward, CE Hatch… - Freshwater …, 2015 - journals.uchicago.edu
Abstract Groundwater–surface-water (GW-SW) interactions in streams are difficult to quantify
because of heterogeneity in hydraulic and reactive processes across a range of spatial and …
because of heterogeneity in hydraulic and reactive processes across a range of spatial and …