Not so spontaneous: Multi-dimensional representations of behaviors and context in sensory areas
Sensory areas are spontaneously active in the absence of sensory stimuli. This
spontaneous activity has long been studied; however, its functional role remains largely …
spontaneous activity has long been studied; however, its functional role remains largely …
Neural mechanisms that make perceptual decisions flexible
Neural mechanisms of perceptual decision making have been extensively studied in
experimental settings that mimic stable environments with repeating stimuli, fixed rules, and …
experimental settings that mimic stable environments with repeating stimuli, fixed rules, and …
Molecular convolutional neural networks with DNA regulatory circuits
Complex biomolecular circuits enabled cells with intelligent behaviour to survive before
neural brains evolved. Since DNA computing was first demonstrated in the mid-1990s …
neural brains evolved. Since DNA computing was first demonstrated in the mid-1990s …
Mouse prefrontal cortex represents learned rules for categorization
The ability to categorize sensory stimuli is crucial for an animal's survival in a complex
environment. Memorizing categories instead of individual exemplars enables greater …
environment. Memorizing categories instead of individual exemplars enables greater …
Posterior parietal cortex plays a causal role in perceptual and categorical decisions
Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) activity correlates with monkeys' decisions during visual
discrimination and categorization tasks. However, recent work has questioned whether …
discrimination and categorization tasks. However, recent work has questioned whether …
Primate superior colliculus is causally engaged in abstract higher-order cognition
The superior colliculus is an evolutionarily conserved midbrain region that is thought to
mediate spatial orienting, including saccadic eye movements and covert spatial attention …
mediate spatial orienting, including saccadic eye movements and covert spatial attention …
Emergence of cortical network motifs for short-term memory during learning
Learning of adaptive behaviors requires the refinement of coordinated activity across
multiple brain regions. However, how neural communications develop during learning …
multiple brain regions. However, how neural communications develop during learning …
[HTML][HTML] The mouse posterior parietal cortex: Anatomy and functions
In recent years, the number of studies on decision-making in mice has increased
dramatically. Many of these studies focus on the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), an area that …
dramatically. Many of these studies focus on the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), an area that …
Excitatory and inhibitory subnetworks are equally selective during decision-making and emerge simultaneously during learning
Inhibitory neurons, which play a critical role in decision-making models, are often simplified
as a single pool of non-selective neurons lacking connection specificity. This assumption is …
as a single pool of non-selective neurons lacking connection specificity. This assumption is …
Synaptic wiring motifs in posterior parietal cortex support decision-making
The posterior parietal cortex exhibits choice-selective activity during perceptual decision-
making tasks,,,,,,,,–. However, it is not known how this selective activity arises from the …
making tasks,,,,,,,,–. However, it is not known how this selective activity arises from the …