Tunable stiffness in fish robotics: mechanisms and advantages
One of the emerging themes of fish-inspired robotics is flexibility. Adding flexibility to the
body, joints, or fins of fish-inspired robots can significantly improve thrust and/or efficiency …
body, joints, or fins of fish-inspired robots can significantly improve thrust and/or efficiency …
Flexibility is a hidden axis of biomechanical diversity in fishes
Nearly all fish have flexible bodies that bend as a result of internal muscular forces and
external fluid forces that are dynamically coupled with the mechanical properties of the body …
external fluid forces that are dynamically coupled with the mechanical properties of the body …
Age and growth of sharks: do vertebral band pairs record age?
Unlike most manmade machines, animals move through their world using flexible bodies
and appendages, which bend due to internal muscle and body forces, and also due to …
and appendages, which bend due to internal muscle and body forces, and also due to …
[HTML][HTML] Manipulating the geometry of architectured beams for maximum toughness and strength
Dense architectured materials are made of blocks that can slide, rotate, interlock and jam in
powerful mechanisms that can generate simultaneous strength and toughness. Nature …
powerful mechanisms that can generate simultaneous strength and toughness. Nature …
Bridging the gap between chondrichthyan paleobiology and biology
Chondrichthyans have a long evolutionary history, reaching back over 450 million years.
Despite the longevity of the chondrichthyan fossil record, it is remarkably incomplete. This …
Despite the longevity of the chondrichthyan fossil record, it is remarkably incomplete. This …
Killing them softly: Ontogeny of jaw mechanics and stiffness in mollusk‐feeding freshwater stingrays
KM Rutledge, AP Summers… - Journal of …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Durophagous predators consume hard‐shelled prey such as bivalves, gastropods, and
large crustaceans, typically by crushing the mineralized exoskeleton. This is costly from the …
large crustaceans, typically by crushing the mineralized exoskeleton. This is costly from the …
[HTML][HTML] Volitional Swimming Kinematics of Blacktip Sharks, Carcharhinus limbatus, in the Wild
Recent work showed that two species of hammerhead sharks operated as a double
oscillating system, where frequency and amplitude differed in the anterior and posterior …
oscillating system, where frequency and amplitude differed in the anterior and posterior …
Three-dimensional map** of mineral in intact shark centra with energy dispersive x-ray diffraction
The centra of shark vertebrae consist of cartilage mineralized by a bioapatite similar to
bone's carbonated hydroxyapatite, and, without a repair mechanism analogous to …
bone's carbonated hydroxyapatite, and, without a repair mechanism analogous to …
[HTML][HTML] Strength and stability in architectured spine-like segmented structures
Architectured and segmented material designs have recently emerged as a powerful
approach to increasing the strength and toughness of brittle materials. Architectured …
approach to increasing the strength and toughness of brittle materials. Architectured …