Media and policy making in the digital age
E Grossman - Annual Review of Political Science, 2022 - annualreviews.org
Do media influence policy making? To what extent can governments or other actors
manipulate this influence? Our understanding of the relationship between media and policy …
manipulate this influence? Our understanding of the relationship between media and policy …
The framing perspective on social movements: Its conceptual roots and architecture
The Framing Perspective on Social Movements Page 1 The Wiley Blackwell Companion to
Social Movements, Second Edition. Edited by David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter …
Social Movements, Second Edition. Edited by David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter …
[SÁCH][B] Comparative policy agendas: Theory, tools, data
The Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) brings together data on government activities in
over twenty countries, and provides a consistent categorizing system to understand when a …
over twenty countries, and provides a consistent categorizing system to understand when a …
The effect of the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests on police budgets: How “defund the police” sparked political backlash
M Ebbinghaus, N Bailey, J Rubel - Social problems, 2024 - academic.oup.com
This article investigates whether a core political demand of the 2020 Black Lives Matter
(BLM) protests was realized:“defund the police.” Original hand-compiled data containing …
(BLM) protests was realized:“defund the police.” Original hand-compiled data containing …
Political sociology in a time of protest
C Barrie - Current sociology, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
We live in a time of protest. Relative to sociology, political science has traditionally paid little
attention to 'extra-institutional'forms of political behaviour. For its part, sociology has tended …
attention to 'extra-institutional'forms of political behaviour. For its part, sociology has tended …
Social movements in interaction with political parties
The literature on the interplay of social movements and political parties is growing as
sociologists regain interest in political parties and political scientists pay closer attention to …
sociologists regain interest in political parties and political scientists pay closer attention to …
[SÁCH][B] Contention in times of crisis: Recession and political protest in thirty European countries
This is the first comprehensive overview of the waves of protest mobilization that spread
across Europe in the wake of the Great Recession. Documenting the extent of these protests …
across Europe in the wake of the Great Recession. Documenting the extent of these protests …
The persuasive power of protest. How protest wins public support
R Wouters - Social Forces, 2019 - academic.oup.com
How do protest actions succeed in winning public support? In this paper, I theorize how
features of protest can persuade citizens to support demonstrators. In particular, I argue that …
features of protest can persuade citizens to support demonstrators. In particular, I argue that …
Protest and electoral breakthrough: Challenger party-movement interactions in Germany
This paper studies party-movement interactions in Germany, focusing on Die Linke and the
AfD, the two most recent additions to Germany's multi-party system. The electoral rise of both …
AfD, the two most recent additions to Germany's multi-party system. The electoral rise of both …
Dynamics of protest and electoral politics in the Great Recession
This article links the consequences of the Great Recession on protest and electoral politics.
It innovates by combining the literature on economic voting with social movement research …
It innovates by combining the literature on economic voting with social movement research …