Media and policy making in the digital age

E Grossman - Annual Review of Political Science, 2022 -
Do media influence policy making? To what extent can governments or other actors
manipulate this influence? Our understanding of the relationship between media and policy …

The framing perspective on social movements: Its conceptual roots and architecture

DA Snow, R Vliegenthart… - The Wiley Blackwell …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The Framing Perspective on Social Movements Page 1 The Wiley Blackwell Companion to
Social Movements, Second Edition. Edited by David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter …

[SÁCH][B] Comparative policy agendas: Theory, tools, data

FR Baumgartner, C Breunig, E Grossman - 2019 -
The Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) brings together data on government activities in
over twenty countries, and provides a consistent categorizing system to understand when a …

The effect of the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests on police budgets: How “defund the police” sparked political backlash

M Ebbinghaus, N Bailey, J Rubel - Social problems, 2024 -
This article investigates whether a core political demand of the 2020 Black Lives Matter
(BLM) protests was realized:“defund the police.” Original hand-compiled data containing …

Political sociology in a time of protest

C Barrie - Current sociology, 2021 -
We live in a time of protest. Relative to sociology, political science has traditionally paid little
attention to 'extra-institutional'forms of political behaviour. For its part, sociology has tended …

Social movements in interaction with political parties

S Hutter, H Kriesi, J Lorenzini - The Wiley Blackwell companion …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The literature on the interplay of social movements and political parties is growing as
sociologists regain interest in political parties and political scientists pay closer attention to …

[SÁCH][B] Contention in times of crisis: Recession and political protest in thirty European countries

H Kriesi, J Lorenzini, B Wüest, S Hausermann - 2020 -
This is the first comprehensive overview of the waves of protest mobilization that spread
across Europe in the wake of the Great Recession. Documenting the extent of these protests …

The persuasive power of protest. How protest wins public support

R Wouters - Social Forces, 2019 -
How do protest actions succeed in winning public support? In this paper, I theorize how
features of protest can persuade citizens to support demonstrators. In particular, I argue that …

Protest and electoral breakthrough: Challenger party-movement interactions in Germany

M Weisskircher, S Hutter, E Borbáth - German Politics, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This paper studies party-movement interactions in Germany, focusing on Die Linke and the
AfD, the two most recent additions to Germany's multi-party system. The electoral rise of both …

Dynamics of protest and electoral politics in the Great Recession

B Bremer, S Hutter, H Kriesi - European Journal of Political …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
This article links the consequences of the Great Recession on protest and electoral politics.
It innovates by combining the literature on economic voting with social movement research …