Evidence for phonon hardening in laser-excited gold using x-ray diffraction at a hard x-ray free electron laser
Studies of laser-heated materials on femtosecond timescales have shown that the
interatomic potential can be perturbed at sufficiently high laser intensities. For gold, it has …
interatomic potential can be perturbed at sufficiently high laser intensities. For gold, it has …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of mosaic crystal instrument functions on x-ray Thomson scattering diagnostics
Mosaic crystals, with their high integrated reflectivities, are widely employed in
spectrometers used to diagnose high energy density systems. X-ray Thomson scattering …
spectrometers used to diagnose high energy density systems. X-ray Thomson scattering …
Ab initio study of shock-compressed copper
We investigate shock-compressed copper in the warm dense matter regime by means of
density functional theory molecular dynamics simulations. We use neural-network-driven …
density functional theory molecular dynamics simulations. We use neural-network-driven …
Speed of sound in methane under conditions of planetary interiors
We present direct observations of acoustic waves in warm dense matter. We analyze wave-
number-and energy-resolved x-ray spectra taken from warm dense methane created by …
number-and energy-resolved x-ray spectra taken from warm dense methane created by …
Neural network-based control of an ultrafast laser
With the recent advances in machine learning (ML) and data science (DS), the control,
modeling, and analysis of these complex systems continues to improve. In this work, we …
modeling, and analysis of these complex systems continues to improve. In this work, we …
[HTML][HTML] Parametrized ion-distribution model for extended x-ray absorption fine-structure analysis at high-energy-density conditions
Experiments today can compress solids near isentropically to pressures approaching 100×
10 6 atmospheres; however, determining the temperature of such matter remains a major …
10 6 atmospheres; however, determining the temperature of such matter remains a major …
[PDF][PDF] Computational challenges in many-particle simulations of extreme matter
MT Schörner - 2023 - rosdok.uni-rostock.de
A profound understanding of warm dense matter (WDM) properties is essential to unraveling
the mysteries of planetary and stellar formation, evolution, and interior structure, as well as …
the mysteries of planetary and stellar formation, evolution, and interior structure, as well as …