Gaussian filters for parameter and state estimation: A general review of theory and recent trends
Real-time control systems rely on reliable estimates of states and parameters in order to
provide accurate and safe control of electro-mechanical systems. The task of extracting state …
provide accurate and safe control of electro-mechanical systems. The task of extracting state …
An elementary introduction to Kalman filtering
An elementary introduction to Kalman filtering Page 1 122 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM |
NOVEMBER 2019 | VOL. 62 | NO. 11 review articles KALMAN FILTERING IS a state estimation …
NOVEMBER 2019 | VOL. 62 | NO. 11 review articles KALMAN FILTERING IS a state estimation …
A dual Kalman filter approach for state estimation via output-only acceleration measurements
A dual implementation of the Kalman filter is proposed for estimating the unknown input and
states of a linear state-space model by using sparse noisy acceleration measurements. The …
states of a linear state-space model by using sparse noisy acceleration measurements. The …
Unbiased minimum-variance input and state estimation for linear discrete-time systems
S Gillijns, B De Moor - Automatica, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper addresses the problem of simultaneously estimating the state and the input of a
linear discrete-time system. A recursive filter, optimal in the minimum-variance unbiased …
linear discrete-time system. A recursive filter, optimal in the minimum-variance unbiased …
Unbiased minimum-variance input and state estimation for linear discrete-time systems with direct feedthrough
S Gillijns, B De Moor - Automatica, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper extends previous work on joint input and state estimation to systems with direct
feedthrough of the unknown input to the output. Using linear minimum-variance unbiased …
feedthrough of the unknown input to the output. Using linear minimum-variance unbiased …
Joint input-response estimation for structural systems based on reduced-order models and vibration data from a limited number of sensors
An algorithm is presented for jointly estimating the input and state of a structure from a
limited number of acceleration measurements. The algorithm extends an existing joint input …
limited number of acceleration measurements. The algorithm extends an existing joint input …
Assessing the physical impact of cyberattacks on industrial cyber-physical systems
Industrial cyber-physical systems (ICPSs) are widely applied in critical infrastructures such
as chemical plants, water distribution networks, and power grids. However, they face various …
as chemical plants, water distribution networks, and power grids. However, they face various …
Robust two-stage Kalman filters for systems with unknown inputs
CS Hsieh - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2000 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A method is developed for the state estimation of linear time-varying discrete systems with
unknown inputs. By making use of the two-stage Kalman filtering technique and a proposed …
unknown inputs. By making use of the two-stage Kalman filtering technique and a proposed …
Unbiased minimum variance estimation for systems with unknown exogenous inputs
A new method is developed for the state estimation of linear discrete-time stochastic systems
in the presence of an unknown disturbance. The filter obtained is optimal in the unbiased …
in the presence of an unknown disturbance. The filter obtained is optimal in the unbiased …
A unified filter for simultaneous input and state estimation of linear discrete-time stochastic systems
In this paper, we present a unified optimal and exponentially stable filter for linear discrete-
time stochastic systems that simultaneously estimates the states and unknown inputs in an …
time stochastic systems that simultaneously estimates the states and unknown inputs in an …