The neurobiological basis of narcolepsy
Narcolepsy is the most common neurological cause of chronic sleepiness. The discovery
about 20 years ago that narcolepsy is caused by selective loss of the neurons producing …
about 20 years ago that narcolepsy is caused by selective loss of the neurons producing …
Sleep and the hypothalamus
AR Adamantidis, L de Lecea - Science, 2023 -
Neural substrates of wakefulness, rapid eye movement sleep (REMS), and non-REMS
(NREMS) in the mammalian hypothalamus overlap both anatomically and functionally with …
(NREMS) in the mammalian hypothalamus overlap both anatomically and functionally with …
Deficiency of orexin signaling during sleep is involved in abnormal REM sleep architecture in narcolepsy
Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder caused by deficiency of orexin signaling. However, the
neural mechanisms by which deficient orexin signaling causes the abnormal rapid eye …
neural mechanisms by which deficient orexin signaling causes the abnormal rapid eye …
The neurobiology of sleep and wakefulness
MD Schwartz, TS Kilduff - The Psychiatric Clinics of North …, 2015 -
Since the discovery of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep in the late 1950s, identification of
the neural circuitry underlying wakefulness, sleep onset and the alternation between REM …
the neural circuitry underlying wakefulness, sleep onset and the alternation between REM …
[CARTE][B] A decade of orexin/hypocretin and addiction: where are we now?
One decade ago, our laboratory provided the first direct evidence linking orexin/hypocretin
signaling with drug seeking by showing that activation of these neurons promotes …
signaling with drug seeking by showing that activation of these neurons promotes …
Optogenetic manipulation of activity and temporally controlled cell-specific ablation reveal a role for MCH neurons in sleep/wake regulation
Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a neuropeptide produced in neurons sparsely
distributed in the lateral hypothalamic area. Recent studies have reported that MCH neurons …
distributed in the lateral hypothalamic area. Recent studies have reported that MCH neurons …
Optogenetic countering of glial acidosis suppresses glial glutamate release and ischemic brain damage
The brain demands high-energy supply and obstruction of blood flow causes rapid
deterioration of the healthiness of brain cells. Two major events occur upon ischemia …
deterioration of the healthiness of brain cells. Two major events occur upon ischemia …
A genetically defined circuit for arousal from sleep during hypercapnia
The precise neural circuitry that mediates arousal during sleep apnea is not known. We
previously found that glutamatergic neurons in the external lateral parabrachial nucleus …
previously found that glutamatergic neurons in the external lateral parabrachial nucleus …
[HTML][HTML] Molecular mechanisms of cancer-induced sleep disruption
Sleep is essential for health. Indeed, poor sleep is consistently linked to the development of
systemic disease, including depression, metabolic syndrome, and cognitive impairments …
systemic disease, including depression, metabolic syndrome, and cognitive impairments …
Top-down cortical input during NREM sleep consolidates perceptual memory
During tactile perception, long-range intracortical top-down axonal projections are essential
for processing sensory information. Whether these projections regulate sleep-dependent …
for processing sensory information. Whether these projections regulate sleep-dependent …