Conversational recommender systems techniques, tools, acceptance, and adoption: a state of the art review

D Pramod, P Bafna - Expert Systems with Applications, 2022 - Elsevier
Conversational recommender systems (CRS) have become popular in recent years and
have gained the attention of researchers. More emphasis is given to user choices and …

Design and evaluation of a conversational agent for facilitating idea generation in organizational innovation processes

M Poser, GC Küstermann, N Tavanapour… - Information Systems …, 2022 - Springer
Large numbers of incomplete, unclear, and unspecific submissions on idea platforms hinder
organizations to exploit the full potential of open innovation initiatives as idea selection is …

Cooking with Conversation: Enhancing User Engagement and Learning with a Knowledge-Enhancing Assistant

A Frummet, A Speggiorin, D Elsweiler… - ACM Transactions on …, 2024 -
We present two empirical studies to investigate users' expectations and behaviours when
using digital assistants, such as Alexa and Google Home, in a kitchen context: First, a survey …

“What Can I Cook with these Ingredients?”-Understanding Cooking-Related Information Needs in Conversational Search

A Frummet, D Elsweiler, B Ludwig - ACM Transactions on Information …, 2022 -
As conversational search becomes more pervasive, it becomes increasingly important to
understand the users' underlying information needs when they converse with such systems …

Recommendations for creating trigger-action rules in a block-based environment

A Mattioli, F Paternò - Behaviour & Information Technology, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Given the growing adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, several approaches
have been presented to enable people to increase their control over their smart devices and …

" You tell me": A Dataset of GPT-4-Based Behaviour Change Support Conversations

S Meyer, D Elsweiler - Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human …, 2024 -
Conversational agents are increasingly used to address emotional needs on top of
information needs. One use case of increasing interest are counselling-style mental health …

Report on the future conversations workshop at CHIIR 2021

D Spina, JR Trippas, P Thomas, H Joho, K Byström… - ACM SIGIR Forum, 2021 -
The Future Conversations workshop at CHIIR'21 looked to the future of search,
recommendation, and information interaction to ask: where are the opportunities for …

Exploring Audio Icons for Content-Based Navigation in Voice User Interfaces

JK Jensen, D Ashbrook - … of the 5th International Conference on …, 2023 -
Voice interaction is an increasingly popular technology, allowing users to control devices
and applications without the need for physical interaction or ocular attention. Augmented …

" What can I cook with these ingredients?"--Understanding cooking-related information needs in conversational search

A Frummet, D Elsweiler, B Ludwig - arxiv preprint arxiv:2112.04788, 2021 -
As conversational search becomes more pervasive, it becomes increasingly important to
understand the user's underlying information needs when they converse with such systems …

[PDF][PDF] A Service-Based Preset Recommendation System for Image Stylization Applications.

F Fregien, F Galandi, M Reimann… - VISIGRAPP (2 …, 2023 -
More and more people are using images and videos as a communication tool. Often, such
visual media is edited or stylized using software applications to become more visually …