[HTML][HTML] Freshening of the Mediterranean Salt Giant: controversies and certainties around the terminal (Upper Gypsum and Lago-Mare) phases of the Messinian …
The late Miocene evolution of the Mediterranean Basin is characterized by major changes in
connectivity, climate and tectonic activity resulting in unprecedented environmental and …
connectivity, climate and tectonic activity resulting in unprecedented environmental and …
[PDF][PDF] Living in a deep desiccated Mediterranean Sea: An overview of the Italian fossil record of the Messinian salinity crisis
G. Carnevale, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Torino, Via
Valperga Caluso 35, I-10125 Torino, Italy; giorgio. carnevale@ unito. it R. Gennari …
Valperga Caluso 35, I-10125 Torino, Italy; giorgio. carnevale@ unito. it R. Gennari …
Fossil amphibians and reptiles from the Neogene locality of Maramena (Greece), the most diverse European herpetofauna at the Miocene/Pliocene transition …
We herein describe the fossil amphibians and reptiles from the Neogene (latest Miocene or
earliest Pliocene; MN 13/14) locality of Maramena, in northern Greece. The herpetofauna is …
earliest Pliocene; MN 13/14) locality of Maramena, in northern Greece. The herpetofauna is …
[HTML][HTML] Pleistocene valley incision, landscape evolution and inferred tectonic uplift in the central parts of the Balkan Peninsula–Insights from the geochronology of …
Although the general geomorphology is reasonably well understood, not much information
is available on the incision rates of rivers and related tectonic uplift in the central parts of the …
is available on the incision rates of rivers and related tectonic uplift in the central parts of the …
Late Miocene–Early Pliocene evolution of Mediterranean gobies and their environmental and biogeographic significance
The Lago Mare phase at the end of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) in the Mediterranean
has long been known for the Paratethyan affinities of its biota. The taxonomic level of these …
has long been known for the Paratethyan affinities of its biota. The taxonomic level of these …
[HTML][HTML] Changing seas in the late Miocene Northern Aegean: A Paratethyan approach to Mediterranean basin evolution
Abstract The Northern Aegean region evolved during the Miocene as a restricted land-
locked basin with small ephemeral connections to both the Eastern Paratethys (former Black …
locked basin with small ephemeral connections to both the Eastern Paratethys (former Black …
Core complex segmentation in North Aegean, a dynamic view
The core complexes of the North Aegean result from the gravity spreading of a thrust wedge,
driven by the Hellenic slab rollback, since middle Eocene. The development of the Southern …
driven by the Hellenic slab rollback, since middle Eocene. The development of the Southern …
Mediterranean-Paratethys connectivity during the Messinian salinity crisis: The Pontian of Azerbaijan
Prior to the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis, a connection was established between the
Mediterranean Sea and the Paratethys region to the north. Rivers currently draining into the …
Mediterranean Sea and the Paratethys region to the north. Rivers currently draining into the …
Structural and sedimentary origin of the Gargano-Pelagosa gateway and impact on sedimentary evolution during the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Circulation of water masses, sediment, and biotope between the sub-basins of the
Mediterranean Sea strongly depends on morphological oceanic gateways. These …
Mediterranean Sea strongly depends on morphological oceanic gateways. These …
Messinian salinity crisis record under strong freshwater input in marginal, intermediate, and deep environments: The case of the North Aegean
In the present study, we investigate the Mediterranean–Paratethys connection during the
late Miocene in Strymon Basin (North Aegean, northeastern Mediterranean) and compare …
late Miocene in Strymon Basin (North Aegean, northeastern Mediterranean) and compare …