Strategies for reducing speckle noise in digital holography
Digital holography (DH) has emerged as one of the most effective coherent imaging
technologies. The technological developments of digital sensors and optical elements have …
technologies. The technological developments of digital sensors and optical elements have …
A comprehensive review on the prospects of next-generation wearable electronics for individualized health monitoring, assistive robotics, and communication
Wearable electronics offer a robust and emerging framework for invasive and on-skin
electronics that are expected to be long-lasting, lightweight, flexible, and conformable …
electronics that are expected to be long-lasting, lightweight, flexible, and conformable …
Free field of view infrared digital holography for mineral crystallization
Investigating the crystallization process is a crucial approach for understanding crystal
properties. However, traditional optical microscopy and infrared spectroscopy often fail to …
properties. However, traditional optical microscopy and infrared spectroscopy often fail to …
Quasi noise-free digital holography
One of the main drawbacks of Digital Holography (DH) is the coherent nature of the light
source, which severely corrupts the quality of holographic reconstructions. Although …
source, which severely corrupts the quality of holographic reconstructions. Although …
[HTML][HTML] Advances in mid-infrared single-photon detection
The current state of the art of single-photon detectors operating in the mid-infrared
wavelength range is reported in this review. These devices are essential for a wide range of …
wavelength range is reported in this review. These devices are essential for a wide range of …
Real-time terahertz digital holography with a quantum cascade laser
Coherent imaging in the THz range promises to exploit the peculiar capabilities of these
wavelengths to penetrate common materials like plastics, ceramics, paper or clothes with …
wavelengths to penetrate common materials like plastics, ceramics, paper or clothes with …
Breakthroughs in photonics 2013: holographic imaging
Although holography is topic that goes back to the 1950s, the research in this field continues
to be very active worldwide. A continuous growth is confirmed by the publication of more …
to be very active worldwide. A continuous growth is confirmed by the publication of more …
Recent hotspots and innovative trends of infrared photon detectors
叶振华, **辉豪, 王进东, 陈星, 孙常鸿… - Journal of Infrared …, 2022 -
红外光电探测技术通常工作在无源被动的传感模式, 具有作用距离远, 抗干扰性好,
穿透烟尘雾霾能力**, 全天时工作等优点, 在航天遥感, 军事装备, 天文探测等方面都有广泛应用 …
穿透烟尘雾霾能力**, 全天时工作等优点, 在航天遥感, 军事装备, 天文探测等方面都有广泛应用 …
Terahertz digital holographic imaging
This tutorial describes the application of digital holography to the terahertz spectral region
and demonstrates how to reconstruct images of complex dielectric targets. Using highly …
and demonstrates how to reconstruct images of complex dielectric targets. Using highly …
Coherent laser ranging for precision imaging through flames
Measuring the deformation of building elements engulfed by flames is essential in fire
research to improve safety in the event of a fire. Ideally, the measurement system should be …
research to improve safety in the event of a fire. Ideally, the measurement system should be …