The successive use of information and communication technologies at work
KK Stephens - Communication theory, 2007 - academic.oup.com
Past research on information and communication technology (ICT) use has largely assumed
that people use only one ICT per task. Yet completing a task often requires a mix of ICTs …
that people use only one ICT per task. Yet completing a task often requires a mix of ICTs …
[КНИГА][B] Origins and traditions of organizational communication
AM Nicotera - 2019 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The goals of this volume are to provide knowledge of the history of theorizing about
communication and about organizations that led to the establishment of the field of …
communication and about organizations that led to the establishment of the field of …
[PDF][PDF] Dampak penetrasi teknologi informasi dalam transformasi sistem penyuluhan pertanian di Indonesia
K Prayoga - JSEP (Journal of Social and Agricultural Economics), 2018 - researchgate.net
The world today has entered to the era of information society connected in a virtual world.
Not only in urban areas, this phenomenon is also commonly found in rural areas. Farmers in …
Not only in urban areas, this phenomenon is also commonly found in rural areas. Farmers in …
Discrete, sequential, and follow-up use of information and communication technology by experienced ICT users
Most prior media use research has assumed that people use information and
communication technologies (ICTs) independently of other ICTs, that is, as discrete media …
communication technologies (ICTs) independently of other ICTs, that is, as discrete media …
[КНИГА][B] Negotiating control: Organizations and mobile communication
KK Stephens - 2018 - books.google.com
The fast-food worker finds refuge in a bathroom stall to respond to her boyfriend's fifth
message in an hour. The human resources manager sees a colleague sending a stream of …
message in an hour. The human resources manager sees a colleague sending a stream of …
Pemanfaatan sosial media dalam penyuluhan pertanian dan perikanan di Indonesia
K Prayoga - Agriekonomika, 2017 - eco-entrepreneur.trunojoyo.ac.id
Pertukaran informasi menjadi masalah yang mendapat sorotan dalam kegiatan penyuluhan
pertanian dan perikanan. Sulitnya petani mengakses informasi ini kemudian memunculkan …
pertanian dan perikanan. Sulitnya petani mengakses informasi ini kemudian memunculkan …
Relevance of fundraising charities' content-marketing objectives: Perceptions of donors, fundraisers, and their consultants
R Bennett - Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Many fundraising charities invest heavily in content marketing, often using consultants to
direct their content-marketing efforts. Thus it is vital to establish whether certain key aims of …
direct their content-marketing efforts. Thus it is vital to establish whether certain key aims of …
[КНИГА][B] Stories of life in the workplace: An open architecture for organizational narratology
L Browning, GH Morris - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Addressing both renowned theories and standard applications, Stories of Life in the
Workplace explains how stories affect human practices and organizational life. Authors Larry …
Workplace explains how stories affect human practices and organizational life. Authors Larry …
Social groups, social media, and higher dimensional social structures: A simplicial model of social aggregation for computational communication research
By building on classical communication network literature, we present a computational
approach to modeling tightly bound groups and social aggregations as higher dimensional …
approach to modeling tightly bound groups and social aggregations as higher dimensional …
Pemanfaatan cyber extension melalui telepon genggam oleh petani anggrek di Taman Anggrek Ragunan, Jakarta Selatan
APE Dasli, P Muljono, D Susanto - Jurnal Penyuluhan, 2015 - journal.ipb.ac.id
Cyber extension is one of the modern technology which can be utilized by the farmers,
extension workers, and Business actors to obtain informations and develop agricultural …
extension workers, and Business actors to obtain informations and develop agricultural …