Increasing Student Competency Through Catia V5 Software Training
M Sulistiyanto, S Nurhidayah, H Basri… - Entrepreneurship and …, 2023 - sanscientific.com
The current era demands that all aspects of engineering be carried out automatically,
including creating technical drawings, which were previously done manually, now being …
including creating technical drawings, which were previously done manually, now being …
Pelatihan Perancangan Mesin Pada SMK Diponegoro Lebaksiu Kabupaten Tegal Jurusan TKRO Dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Autodesk Inventor
Setiap tahun perkembangan industri manufaktur mengalami peningkatan drastis sehingga
daya serap SDM juga semakin tinggi. Oleh karena itu, lulusan SMK dituntun memiliki …
daya serap SDM juga semakin tinggi. Oleh karena itu, lulusan SMK dituntun memiliki …
Pelatihan Solidworks 3D CAD bagi Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Desa Ciantra
BC Pradana, FD Ekawati - An-Nizam, 2022 - jurnal.unismabekasi.ac.id
The aim of this program is to develop the potential of students in the field of design before
entering the industrial world. As time goes by, technology advances rapidly, the …
entering the industrial world. As time goes by, technology advances rapidly, the …
Peningkatan Keterampilan Menggambar Teknik menggunakan Software CAD untuk siswa SMK
Abstract SMK Bina Utama Kendal baru-baru ini melaksanakan pengenalan robotika melalui
pelatihan dan program ekstrakurikuler bagi siswa-siswinya. Pelatihan ini menitikberatkan …
pelatihan dan program ekstrakurikuler bagi siswa-siswinya. Pelatihan ini menitikberatkan …
Pelatihan gambar teknik standar iso menggunakan solidworks bagi guru sekolah menengah kejuruan
Gambar teknik merupakan salah satu kompetensi yang penting dimiliki oleh lulusan sekolah
kejuruan, khususnya SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Klaten Utara. Sekolah kejuruan tersebut …
kejuruan, khususnya SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Klaten Utara. Sekolah kejuruan tersebut …
Pelatihan Dasar Pengoperasian Mesin Las Smaw Untuk Remaja Dan Karang Taruna Di Dusun Warsem
The problem in this warsem hamlet is the lack of interest in welding, especially for
teenagers, and the purpose of this training is to provide training to teenagers in warsem …
teenagers, and the purpose of this training is to provide training to teenagers in warsem …
Pelatihan Desain Solidworks 2d & 3d Kepada Siswa Menengah Kejuruan di Desa Segaran
MC Yasa, R Budiman - An-Nizam, 2022 - jurnal.unismabekasi.ac.id
The world of education is currently facing an industrial revolution, for the younger generation
it is necessary to prepare in terms of abilities in the computer field. For vocational students …
it is necessary to prepare in terms of abilities in the computer field. For vocational students …
Air conditioning system maintenance and repair training for youth of Karang Taruna
This work reports on social service activities at the Department of Automotive Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang. This activity is targeted at out-of-school …
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang. This activity is targeted at out-of-school …
One of the requirements needed by technicians and engineers in the field of mechanical
engineering is to be able to master engineering software in the design and design of a …
engineering is to be able to master engineering software in the design and design of a …
Pelatihan CAD static simulation menggunakan Solidworks di SMK Turen Malang
Persaingan dunia kerja yang semakin ketat dan jumlah lapangan pekerjaan yang terbatas
menuntut SDM berkualitas tinggi agar mampu bersaing secara nasional maupun global …
menuntut SDM berkualitas tinggi agar mampu bersaing secara nasional maupun global …