Halal tourism, is it really halal?

H El-Gohary - Tourism Management Perspectives, 2016 - Elsevier
The study of religion has attracted interest and considerable attention from researchers and
practitioners as a result of wanting to know more about religions (such as Islam) and …

Halal tourism beyond 2020: concepts, opportunities and future research directions

PM Ekka - Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose The current research work investigates the concept of halal tourism through
research articles published during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this paper is to …

[PDF][PDF] Wisata halal: perkembangan, peluang, dan tantangan

ED Satriana, HD Faridah - Journal of Halal Product and Research …, 2018 - academia.edu
Sektor pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor yang mampu meningkatkan lapangan kerja
dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Saat ini, wisata halal (halal tourism) mulai banyak diminati. Hal …

The trends, opportunities and challenges of halal tourism: a systematic literature review

T Rasul - Tourism Recreation Research, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Halal tourism represents a distinct segment of the tourism industry for Muslims where
relevant services adhere to the Islamic Shariah teachings. Halal tourism has already …

Discovering the importance of halal tourism for Indonesian Muslim travelers: perceptions and behaviors when traveling to a non-Muslim destination

BM Wibawa, C Pranindyasari, GW Bhawika… - Journal of Islamic …, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose This research aims to identify halal attributes for Indonesian Muslim tourists that
can create a destination image, revisit intention and recommendation intention. Indonesia …

[PDF][PDF] Halal-friendly tourism and factors influencing halal tourism

J Junaidi - Management Science Letters, 2020 - repository.unilak.ac.id
These days, halal substances have become part of many people's lifestyle all over the world.
Halal is associated with not only food products but also non-food products; including …

Brand attributes, corporate brand image and customer loyalty of Islamic banks in Malaysia

SN Ab Hamid, S Maulan… - Journal of Islamic …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the antecedents and
consequences of corporate brand image in the context of Islamic banks in Malaysia. The …

Exploring halal tourism-related factors that mitigate employees' job pursuit intention in halal hotels: The moderating roles of age and gender

E Boğan, Ö Saraç, VO Kiper, O Batman - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism …, 2023 - Elsevier
An extensive review of the existing literature indicates a very limited amount of empirical
investigation on the factors that mitigate employee job pursuit intention (JPI) in halal hotels …

[KNIHA][B] The Routledge handbook of halal hospitality and Islamic tourism

CM Hall, G Prayag - 2019 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Names: Hall, Colin Michael, 1961-editor.| Prayag, Girish, editor. Title: The Routledge
handbook of halal hospitality and Islamic tourism/edited by C. Michael Hall and Girish …

Exploring the predictors of prospective employees' job pursuit intention in Muslim-friendly hotels

E Boğan, BB Dedeoğlu, O Batman… - Tourism Management …, 2020 - Elsevier
An extensive review of the literature revealed a lack of empirical investigations of qualified
prospective employees' job pursuit intention in Muslim-friendly hotels. This paper therefore …