Halal tourism, is it really halal?
H El-Gohary - Tourism Management Perspectives, 2016 - Elsevier
The study of religion has attracted interest and considerable attention from researchers and
practitioners as a result of wanting to know more about religions (such as Islam) and …
practitioners as a result of wanting to know more about religions (such as Islam) and …
Halal tourism beyond 2020: concepts, opportunities and future research directions
PM Ekka - Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose The current research work investigates the concept of halal tourism through
research articles published during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this paper is to …
research articles published during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this paper is to …
[PDF][PDF] Wisata halal: perkembangan, peluang, dan tantangan
ED Satriana, HD Faridah - Journal of Halal Product and Research …, 2018 - academia.edu
Sektor pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor yang mampu meningkatkan lapangan kerja
dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Saat ini, wisata halal (halal tourism) mulai banyak diminati. Hal …
dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Saat ini, wisata halal (halal tourism) mulai banyak diminati. Hal …
The trends, opportunities and challenges of halal tourism: a systematic literature review
T Rasul - Tourism Recreation Research, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Halal tourism represents a distinct segment of the tourism industry for Muslims where
relevant services adhere to the Islamic Shariah teachings. Halal tourism has already …
relevant services adhere to the Islamic Shariah teachings. Halal tourism has already …
Discovering the importance of halal tourism for Indonesian Muslim travelers: perceptions and behaviors when traveling to a non-Muslim destination
Purpose This research aims to identify halal attributes for Indonesian Muslim tourists that
can create a destination image, revisit intention and recommendation intention. Indonesia …
can create a destination image, revisit intention and recommendation intention. Indonesia …
[PDF][PDF] Halal-friendly tourism and factors influencing halal tourism
J Junaidi - Management Science Letters, 2020 - repository.unilak.ac.id
These days, halal substances have become part of many people's lifestyle all over the world.
Halal is associated with not only food products but also non-food products; including …
Halal is associated with not only food products but also non-food products; including …
Brand attributes, corporate brand image and customer loyalty of Islamic banks in Malaysia
Purpose The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the antecedents and
consequences of corporate brand image in the context of Islamic banks in Malaysia. The …
consequences of corporate brand image in the context of Islamic banks in Malaysia. The …
Exploring halal tourism-related factors that mitigate employees' job pursuit intention in halal hotels: The moderating roles of age and gender
An extensive review of the existing literature indicates a very limited amount of empirical
investigation on the factors that mitigate employee job pursuit intention (JPI) in halal hotels …
investigation on the factors that mitigate employee job pursuit intention (JPI) in halal hotels …
[KNIHA][B] The Routledge handbook of halal hospitality and Islamic tourism
Names: Hall, Colin Michael, 1961-editor.| Prayag, Girish, editor. Title: The Routledge
handbook of halal hospitality and Islamic tourism/edited by C. Michael Hall and Girish …
handbook of halal hospitality and Islamic tourism/edited by C. Michael Hall and Girish …
Exploring the predictors of prospective employees' job pursuit intention in Muslim-friendly hotels
An extensive review of the literature revealed a lack of empirical investigations of qualified
prospective employees' job pursuit intention in Muslim-friendly hotels. This paper therefore …
prospective employees' job pursuit intention in Muslim-friendly hotels. This paper therefore …