Calming effects of touch in human, animal, and robotic interaction—scientific state-of-the-art and technical advances
Small everyday gestures such as a tap on the shoulder can affect the way humans feel and
act. Touch can have a calming effect and alter the way stress is handled, thereby promoting …
act. Touch can have a calming effect and alter the way stress is handled, thereby promoting …
[HTML][HTML] Meaning makes touch affective
The pleasantness of gentle stroking (CT-targeted touch) varies highly between individuals
and studies, indicating that relevant factors may not be accounted for. We propose that the …
and studies, indicating that relevant factors may not be accounted for. We propose that the …
Haptiknit: Distributed stiffness knitting for wearable haptics
Haptic devices typically rely on rigid actuators and bulky power supply systems, limiting
wearability. Soft materials improve comfort, but careful distribution of stiffness is required to …
wearability. Soft materials improve comfort, but careful distribution of stiffness is required to …
The language of social touch is intuitive and quantifiable
Touch is a powerful communication tool, but we have a limited understanding of the role
played by particular physical features of interpersonal touch communication. In this study …
played by particular physical features of interpersonal touch communication. In this study …
Affective touch as immediate and passive wearable intervention
We investigated affective touch as a new pathway to passively mitigate in-the-moment
anxiety. While existing mobile interventions offer great promises for health and well-being …
anxiety. While existing mobile interventions offer great promises for health and well-being …
Clinical Applications and Future Translation of Somatosensory Neuroprostheses
Somatosensory neuroprostheses restore, replace, or enhance tactile and proprioceptive
feedback for people with sensory impairments due to neurological disorders or injury …
feedback for people with sensory impairments due to neurological disorders or injury …
Hedonic and autonomic responses in promoting affective touch
Interpersonal touch is intrinsically reciprocal since it entails a person promoting and another
receiving the touch. While several studies have investigated the beneficial effects of …
receiving the touch. While several studies have investigated the beneficial effects of …
Tactorbots: a haptic design toolkit for out-of-lab exploration of emotional robotic touch
Emerging research has demonstrated the viability of emotional communication through
haptic technology inspired by interpersonal touch. However, the meaning-making of artificial …
haptic technology inspired by interpersonal touch. However, the meaning-making of artificial …
Affective touch: a communication channel for social exchange
Highlights•Formalised communication model of touch with a new focus on the sender and
signal.•Clear definition of CT-mediated touch and integrated action with other forms of …
signal.•Clear definition of CT-mediated touch and integrated action with other forms of …
Characterizing affiliative touch in humans and its role in advancing haptic design
An emerging view in cognitive neuroscience holds that the extraction of emotional relevance
from sensory experience extends beyond the centralized appraisal of sensation in …
from sensory experience extends beyond the centralized appraisal of sensation in …