Improving social impact assessment of protected areas: A review of the literature and directions for future research
Protected areas are the most widely applied policy tool for biodiversity conservation.
However, effective management of protected areas is often obstructed by conflicts mainly …
However, effective management of protected areas is often obstructed by conflicts mainly …
Reviewing the ecosystem services, societal goods, and benefits of marine protected areas
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are globally important environmental management tools that
provide protection from the effects of human exploitation and activities, supporting the …
provide protection from the effects of human exploitation and activities, supporting the …
[HTML][HTML] Ocean conservation boosts climate change mitigation and adaptation
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are increasingly being promoted as an ocean-based climate
solution. However, such claims remain controversial because of the diffuse and poorly …
solution. However, such claims remain controversial because of the diffuse and poorly …
Global conservation outcomes depend on marine protected areas with five key features
In line with global targets agreed under the Convention on Biological Diversity, the number
of marine protected areas (MPAs) is increasing rapidly, yet socio-economic benefits …
of marine protected areas (MPAs) is increasing rapidly, yet socio-economic benefits …
Effective coverage targets for ocean protection
BC O'Leary, M Winther‐Janson… - Conservation …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The UN's globally adopted Convention on Biological Diversity coverage target for marine
protected areas (MPAs) is≥ 10% by 2020. In 2014, the World Parks Congress …
protected areas (MPAs) is≥ 10% by 2020. In 2014, the World Parks Congress …
Why coastal lagoons are so productive? Physical bases of fishing productivity in coastal lagoons
A Pérez-Ruzafa, GJ Molina-Cuberos… - Science of The Total …, 2024 - Elsevier
Coastal lagoons are among the most productive marine ecosystems in the world. Annual
primary production varies from 50 to> 500 g C m− 2 year− 1, being of the same order of …
primary production varies from 50 to> 500 g C m− 2 year− 1, being of the same order of …
RETRACTED: A global network of marine protected areas for food
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are conservation tools that are increasingly implemented,
with growing national commitments for MPA expansion. Perhaps the greatest challenge to …
with growing national commitments for MPA expansion. Perhaps the greatest challenge to …
[ΒΙΒΛΙΟ][B] Governing marine protected areas: resilience through diversity
P Jones - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
In this innovative volume, the author addresses some important challenges related to the
effective and equitable governance of marine protected areas (MPAs). These challenges are …
effective and equitable governance of marine protected areas (MPAs). These challenges are …
Sustainable co-location solutions for offshore wind farms and fisheries need to account for socio-ecological trade-offs
The spatial expansion of offshore wind farms (OWFs) is key for the transition to a carbon free
energy sector. In the North Sea, the sprawl of OWFs is regulated by marine spatial planning …
energy sector. In the North Sea, the sprawl of OWFs is regulated by marine spatial planning …
The science of European marine reserves: Status, efficacy, and future needs
The ecologically and socio-economically important marine ecosystems of Europe are facing
severe threats from a variety of human impacts. To mitigate and potentially reverse some of …
severe threats from a variety of human impacts. To mitigate and potentially reverse some of …