Numerical bifurcation methods and their application to fluid dynamics: analysis beyond simulation
We provide an overview of current techniques and typical applications of numerical
bifurcation analysis in fluid dynamical problems. Many of these problems are characterized …
bifurcation analysis in fluid dynamical problems. Many of these problems are characterized …
Albany/FELIX: a parallel, scalable and robust, finite element, first-order Stokes approximation ice sheet solver built for advanced analysis
This paper describes a new parallel, scalable and robust finite element based solver for the
first-order Stokes momentum balance equations for ice flow. The solver, known as …
first-order Stokes momentum balance equations for ice flow. The solver, known as …
Fixed-point approaches to computing Bertrand-Nash equilibrium prices under mixed-logit demand
This article describes numerical methods that exploit fixed-point equations equivalent to the
first-order condition for Bertrand-Nash equilibrium prices in a class of differentiated product …
first-order condition for Bertrand-Nash equilibrium prices in a class of differentiated product …
Towards a scalable fully-implicit fully-coupled resistive MHD formulation with stabilized FE methods
This paper explores the development of a scalable, nonlinear, fully-implicit stabilized
unstructured finite element (FE) capability for 2D incompressible (reduced) resistive MHD …
unstructured finite element (FE) capability for 2D incompressible (reduced) resistive MHD …
A matrix DEIM technique for model reduction of nonlinear parametrized problems in cardiac mechanics
When relying on Newton iterations to solve nonlinear problems in the context of Reduced
Basis (RB) methods, the assembling of the RB arrays during the online stage depends on …
Basis (RB) methods, the assembling of the RB arrays during the online stage depends on …
Scalable implicit incompressible resistive MHD with stabilized FE and fully-coupled Newton–Krylov-AMG
The computational solution of the governing balance equations for mass, momentum, heat
transfer and magnetic induction for resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) systems can be …
transfer and magnetic induction for resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) systems can be …
A second-order method for strongly convex -regularization problems
In this paper a robust second-order method is developed for the solution of strongly convex ℓ
_1 ℓ 1-regularized problems. The main aim is to make the proposed method as inexpensive …
_1 ℓ 1-regularized problems. The main aim is to make the proposed method as inexpensive …
An assessment of coupling algorithms for nuclear reactor core physics simulations
This paper evaluates the performance of multiphysics coupling algorithms applied to a light
water nuclear reactor core simulation. The simulation couples the k-eigenvalue form of the …
water nuclear reactor core simulation. The simulation couples the k-eigenvalue form of the …
Sympiler: transforming sparse matrix codes by decoupling symbolic analysis
Sympiler is a domain-specific code generator that optimizes sparse matrix computations by
decoupling the symbolic analysis phase from the numerical manipulation stage in sparse …
decoupling the symbolic analysis phase from the numerical manipulation stage in sparse …
A semi-implicit meshless method for incompressible flows in complex geometries
We present an exponentially convergent semi-implicit meshless algorithm for the solution of
Navier-Stokes equations in complex domains. The algorithm discretizes partial derivatives at …
Navier-Stokes equations in complex domains. The algorithm discretizes partial derivatives at …