[HTML][HTML] Laser diagnostics in combustion and beyond dedicated to Prof. Marcus Aldén on his 70th birthday

Z Li, C Brackmann, J Bood, M Richter… - Combustion and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Laser diagnostics has been one of the most powerful tools in advancing state-of-the-art
combustion research over the last five decades. Prof. Marcus Aldén, one of the most well …

Turbulence and combustion interaction: High resolution local flame front structure visualization using simultaneous single-shot PLIF imaging of CH, OH, and CH2O in …

ZS Li, B Li, ZW Sun, XS Bai, M Aldén - Combustion and Flame, 2010 - Elsevier
High resolution planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) was applied to investigate the
local flame front structures of turbulent premixed methane/air jet flames in order to reveal …

Visualization and understanding of combustion processes using spatially and temporally resolved laser diagnostic techniques

M Aldén, J Bood, Z Li, M Richter - Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2011 - Elsevier
Laser diagnostic techniques have for more than 30years added very valuable input for a
deepened understanding of combustion processes. The present paper will focus on …

Simultaneous PIV∕ OH-PLIF, Rayleigh thermometry∕ OH-PLIF and stereo PIV measurements in a low-swirl flame

P Petersson, J Olofsson, C Brackman, H Seyfried… - Applied …, 2007 - opg.optica.org
The diagnostic techniques for simultaneous velocity and relative OH distribution,
simultaneous temperature and relative OH distribution, and three component velocity …

Strategy for PLIF single-shot HCO imaging in turbulent methane/air flames

B Zhou, J Kiefer, J Zetterberg, Z Li, M Aldén - Combustion and Flame, 2014 - Elsevier
Formyl (HCO) has since long been recognized as a common intermediate species and a
potential local indicator of the major heat release in hydrocarbon combustion. Consequently …

Large eddy simulation and experiments of stratified lean premixed methane/air turbulent flames

KJ Nogenmyr, P Petersson, XS Bai, A Nauert… - Proceedings of the …, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper presents a joint large eddy simulation and laser diagnostic investigation of
premixed turbulent low swirl flames. A lean premixed methane/air mixture, of the …

Development of improved PLIF CH detection using an Alexandrite laser for single-shot investigation of turbulent and lean flames

ZS Li, J Kiefer, J Zetterberg, M Linvin, A Leipertz… - Proceedings of the …, 2007 - Elsevier
We report on the development of planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) for CH imaging
with improved detection sensitivity for single-shot investigations of turbulent, lean, premixed …

[HTML][HTML] Strategy for improved NH2 detection in combustion environments using an Alexandrite laser

C Brackmann, B Zhou, P Samuelsson… - … Acta Part A: Molecular …, 2017 - Elsevier
A new scheme for NH 2 detection by means of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) with
excitation around wavelength 385 nm, accessible using the second harmonic of a solid-state …

Experimental and numerical study of a conical turbulent partially premixed flame

B Li, E Baudoin, R Yu, ZW Sun, ZS Li, XS Bai… - Proceedings of the …, 2009 - Elsevier
The structure and dynamics of a turbulent partially premixed methane/air flame in a conical
burner were investigated using laser diagnostics and large-eddy simulations (LES). The …