Laser spectroscopy for the study of exotic nuclei

XF Yang, SJ Wang, SG Wilkins, RFG Ruiz - Progress in Particle and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Investigation into the properties and structure of unstable nuclei far from stability is a key
avenue of research in modern nuclear physics. These efforts are motivated by the continual …

A Guided Tour of ab initio Nuclear Many-Body Theory

H Hergert - Frontiers in Physics, 2020 -
Over the last decade, new developments in Similarity Renormalization Group techniques
and nuclear many-body methods have dramatically increased the capabilities of ab initio …

The Neutron-Rich Edge of the Nuclear Landscape. Experiment and Theory

F Nowacki, A Obertelli, A Poves - arxiv preprint arxiv:2104.06238, 2021 -
In this review, we describe the experimental facilities and methods which make it possible to
produce and measure the properties of the extreme neutron rich nuclei. We then develop the …

Global sensitivity analysis of bulk properties of an atomic nucleus

A Ekström, G Hagen - Physical Review Letters, 2019 - APS
We perform a global sensitivity analysis of the binding energy and the charge radius of the
nucleus O 16 to identify the most influential low-energy constants in the next-to-next-to …

Coupled-Cluster Calculations of Neutrinoless Double- Decay in

S Novario, P Gysbers, J Engel, G Hagen, GR Jansen… - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
We use coupled-cluster theory and nuclear interactions from chiral effective field theory to
compute the nuclear matrix element for the neutrinoless double-β decay of Ca 48 …

Physics of exotic nuclei

Y Ye, X Yang, H Sakurai, B Hu - Nature Reviews Physics, 2024 -
The past three decades have witnessed the emergence of exotic structures and dynamics in
weakly bound unstable nuclei located in the rapidly expanding nuclear chart. Examples …

Extended Neutron Orbital and the Shell Closure in

M Enciu, HN Liu, A Obertelli, P Doornenbal, F Nowacki… - Physical review …, 2022 - APS
The one-neutron knockout from Ca 52 in inverse kinematics onto a proton target was
performed at∼ 230 MeV/nucleon combined with prompt γ spectroscopy. Exclusive quasifree …

The role of three-nucleon potentials within the shell model: Past and present

L Coraggio, G De Gregorio, T Fukui, A Gargano… - Progress in Particle and …, 2024 - Elsevier
We survey the impact of nuclear three-body forces on structure properties of nuclei within the
shell model. It has long been acknowledged, since the seminal works of Zuker and …

Quasifree Neutron Knockout from Corroborates Arising Neutron Magic Number

S Chen, J Lee, P Doornenbal, A Obertelli, C Barbieri… - Physical review …, 2019 - APS
Exclusive cross sections and momentum distributions have been measured for quasifree
one-neutron knockout reactions from a Ca 54 beam striking on a liquid hydrogen target at∼ …

Ab Initio Computation of the Longitudinal Response Function in

JE Sobczyk, B Acharya, S Bacca, G Hagen - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
We present a consistent ab initio computation of the longitudinal response function RL in Ca
40 using the coupled-cluster and Lorentz integral transform methods starting from chiral …