Seismic amplification maps of Italy based on site-specific microzonation dataset and one-dimensional numerical approach

G Falcone, G Acunzo, A Mendicelli, F Mori, G Naso… - Engineering …, 2021 - Elsevier
Prediction of surface ground motion based on advanced approaches is a non-trivial task at
large area. In fact, advanced approaches require a detailed geological and geotechnical …

Local site amplification maps for the volcanic area of Trecastagni, south-eastern Sicily (Italy)

A Cavallaro, A Fiamingo, S Grasso… - Bulletin of Earthquake …, 2024 - Springer
On 26th December 2018, an earthquake (Mw= 4.9) hits the eastern flank of the Etna volcano
(Italy). It was the strongest seismic event among seventy with Mw> 2.5 occurring from 23rd …

[HTML][HTML] Seismic characterisation of the subsoil under a historic building: Cathedral Church of Saint Mary in Murcia case study

MA Martínez-Segura, MC García-Nieto, M Navarro… - Engineering …, 2024 - Elsevier
This research focuses on the Cathedral Church of Saint Mary in Murcia, Spain, which is
located in a moderate-to-high seismic risk zone in the Spanish context. The study uses …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of soil heterogeneity on seismic tunnel lining forces

G Abate, S Grasso, MR Massimino - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake …, 2023 - Elsevier
The crucial role that underground structures play today in transportation and utility networks
makes their seismic vulnerability a fundamental topic. The present paper deals with the role …

[HTML][HTML] Innovative materials in Italy for eco-friendly and sustainable buildings

F Colangelo, I Farina, M Travaglioni, C Salzano… - Materials, 2021 -
In the last 20 years, there have been a series of seismic events in Italy that have caused
serious damage to civil and building structures. This has led to a significant increase in the …

Constraints for the Vs profiles from engineering-geological qualitative characterization of shallow subsoil in seismic microzonation studies

G Romagnoli, E Tarquini, A Porchia, S Catalano… - Soil Dynamics and …, 2022 - Elsevier
A statistical analysis has been performed aiming at determining to what extent a qualitative
engineering-geological characterization of subsoil may provide constraints to the shear …

Influence of input motion and surface layer properties on seismic site response: A stochastic simulation method–based MLR model

Ö Yıldız - Near Surface Geophysics, 2023 -
Seismic site response analyses are simulations in which the effects of geological conditions
on seismic waves are examined. The uncertainties that make these analyses crucial are …

NC92Soil: a computer code for deterministic and stochastic 1D equivalent linear seismic site response analyses

G Acunzo, G Falcone, A di Lernia, F Mori… - Computers and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The extensive evaluation of the impact of local seismo-stratigraphic configurations on
seismic ground motion presents significant challenges due to the necessity of considering …

Correlations between pore water pressure development in sandy soil and CAV-based ground motion intensity measures

CC Tsai, JP Wang, TY Huang, CY Sung - Engineering Geology, 2022 - Elsevier
This study investigated the respective correlation coefficients between pore water pressure
(PWP) development in sandy soil and 41 CAV-based (cumulative absolute velocity) ground …

Stochastic Approach for 2D Superficial Seismic Amplification Based on Quad4M; City of L'Aquila (Italy) Test Case

A Pasculli, N Sciarra, M Mangifesta - Geosciences, 2023 -
The values of the physical–mechanical properties of any soil are affected by uncertainties
both due to experimental measurements and the impossibility of knowing them, in detail, at …