[KNJIGA][B] Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Cereals, Volume 2
RJ Singh, PP Jauhar - 2006 - taylorfrancis.com
Summarizing landmark research, Volume 2 of this essential series furnishes information on
the availability of germplasm resources that breeders can exploit for producing high-yielding …
the availability of germplasm resources that breeders can exploit for producing high-yielding …
Occurrence, types and distribution of calcium oxalate crystals in leaves and stems of some species of poisonous plants
S Tütüncü Konyar, N Öztürk, F Dane - Botanical studies, 2014 - Springer
Background Calcium oxalate crystals, which are found in many organs of plants, have
different morphological forms: as druses, prism, styloids, raphides and crystal sand. In this …
different morphological forms: as druses, prism, styloids, raphides and crystal sand. In this …
Plant blindness represents the loss of generational knowledge and cultural identity
S Blue, CLM Hargiss, J Norland… - Natural Sciences …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Plant blindness, the inability of people to notice plants, is of current interest in the natural
sciences community. It has been hypothesized that communities of varying cultures may …
sciences community. It has been hypothesized that communities of varying cultures may …
Phytotoxicological study of selected poisonous plants from Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Poisonous plants cause tremendous economic losses to the livestock industry. These
economic losses are deterioration in their health, decreased productivity, deformed …
economic losses are deterioration in their health, decreased productivity, deformed …
Halophytes in the East Mediterranean–their medicinal and other economical values
Abstract The East Mediterranean includes Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and
Israel. It is a typical transition zone between the Saharo-Arabian desert biome and …
Israel. It is a typical transition zone between the Saharo-Arabian desert biome and …
Traditional knowledge on poisonous plants of Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir, India
Ethnopharmacological relevance Poisonous plants comprise the third largest category of
poisons known around the world. Other than affecting the humans directly, they are the …
poisons known around the world. Other than affecting the humans directly, they are the …
[PDF][PDF] Urban vascular flora and ecologic characteristics of the Pendik District (Istanbul-Turkey)
In this study, the results of unplanned urbanization and possible preventive measures, which
could be taken to the Pendik district, Istanbul-Turkey, are presented. In addition, different …
could be taken to the Pendik district, Istanbul-Turkey, are presented. In addition, different …
[PDF][PDF] Medicinal and aromatic plants (Turkey)
M Öztürk, E Altundağ, S Gücel - Ethnopharmacology, Encyclopedia of Life …, 2012 - eolss.net
Turkey is one of the countries with richest plant diversity in the Mediterranean. A number of
human races and tribes have settled here during different periods bringing in different …
human races and tribes have settled here during different periods bringing in different …
[PDF][PDF] Traditional knowledge on plant resources of Ashezai and Salarzai valleys, District Buner, Pakistan
Z Sher, F Hussain, M Ibrar - Afr J Plant Sci, 2014 - academia.edu
An ethnobotanical study was done in the Ashezai and Salarzai Valleys, District Buner,
Pakistan. A total of 163 plant species belonging to 73 families were reported with the help of …
Pakistan. A total of 163 plant species belonging to 73 families were reported with the help of …
Türkoğlu (Kahramanmaraş) ilçe florasında bulunan zehirli bitkiler
YZ Kocabaş - Turkish Journal of Science and Health, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
Kahramanmaraş Türkoğlu ilçesi doğal florasında yapılan çalışma sonucunda, 33 familyaya
ait 84 bitki taksonu tespit edilmiştir. En çok takson içeren familyalar; Fabaceae (10) …
ait 84 bitki taksonu tespit edilmiştir. En çok takson içeren familyalar; Fabaceae (10) …