Stabilizer rényi entropy

L Leone, SFE Oliviero, A Hamma - Physical Review Letters, 2022‏ - APS
We introduce a novel measure for the quantum property of “nonstabilizerness”—commonly
known as “magic”—by considering the Rényi entropy of the probability distribution …

On the practical usefulness of the hardware efficient ansatz

L Leone, SFE Oliviero, L Cincio, M Cerezo - Quantum, 2024‏ -
Abstract Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) and Quantum Machine Learning (QML)
models train a parametrized quantum circuit to solve a given learning task. The success of …

Entanglement, coherence, and extractable work in quantum batteries

HL Shi, S Ding, QK Wan, XH Wang, WL Yang - Physical Review Letters, 2022‏ - APS
We investigate the connection between quantum resources and extractable work in
quantum batteries. We demonstrate that quantum coherence in the battery or the battery …

Scrambling is necessary but not sufficient for chaos

N Dowling, P Kos, K Modi - Physical Review Letters, 2023‏ - APS
We show that out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs) constitute a probe for local-operator
entanglement (LOE). There is strong evidence that a volumetric growth of LOE is a faithful …

Magic-state resource theory for the ground state of the transverse-field Ising model

SFE Oliviero, L Leone, A Hamma - Physical Review A, 2022‏ - APS
Ground states of quantum many-body systems are both entangled and possess a kind of
quantum complexity, as their preparation requires universal resources that go beyond the …

Stabilizer entropy dynamics after a quantum quench

D Rattacaso, L Leone, SFE Oliviero, A Hamma - Physical Review A, 2023‏ - APS
Stabilizer entropies (SE) measure deviations from stabilizer resources and as such are a
fundamental ingredient for quantum advantage. In particular, the interplay of SE and …

Nonstabilizerness determining the hardness of direct fidelity estimation

L Leone, SFE Oliviero, A Hamma - Physical Review A, 2023‏ - APS
In this work, we show how the resource theory of nonstabilizerness quantifies the hardness
of direct fidelity estimation protocols. In particular, the resources needed for a direct fidelity …

Quantum chaos is quantum

L Leone, SFE Oliviero, Y Zhou, A Hamma - Quantum, 2021‏ -
It is well known that a quantum circuit on $ N $ qubits composed of Clifford gates with the
addition of $ k $ non Clifford gates can be simulated on a classical computer by an algorithm …

Pseudomagic quantum states

A Gu, L Leone, S Ghosh, J Eisert, SF Yelin, Y Quek - Physical review letters, 2024‏ - APS
Notions of nonstabilizerness, or “magic,” quantify how nonclassical quantum states are in a
precise sense: states exhibiting low nonstabilizerness preclude quantum advantage. We …

Learning efficient decoders for quasichaotic quantum scramblers

L Leone, SFE Oliviero, S Lloyd, A Hamma - Physical Review A, 2024‏ - APS
Scrambling of quantum information is an important feature at the root of randomization and
benchmarking protocols, the onset of quantum chaos, and black-hole physics. Unscrambling …