Phylogenomics and species delimitation of the economically important Black Basses (Micropterus)
Informed management and conservation efforts are vital to sustainable recreational fishing
and biodiversity conservation. Because the taxonomic rank of species is important in …
and biodiversity conservation. Because the taxonomic rank of species is important in …
Phenotypic and genetic structure support gene flow generating gene tree discordances in an Amazonian floodplain endemic species
Before populations become independent evolutionary lineages, the effects of micro
evolutionary processes tend to generate complex scenarios of diversification that may affect …
evolutionary processes tend to generate complex scenarios of diversification that may affect …
Conservation of black bass diversity: an emerging management paradigm
Black bass Micropterus spp. are quintessential North American sportfishes that support
economically valuable fisheries and act as keystone predators within aquatic ecosystems …
economically valuable fisheries and act as keystone predators within aquatic ecosystems …
Phylogeny and time scale of diversification in the fossil-rich sunfishes and black basses (Teleostei: Percomorpha: Centrarchidae)
Abstract Species of the North American freshwater fish lineage Centrarchidae are apex
predators in their habitats and are among the world's most popular sport fishes. Centrarchids …
predators in their habitats and are among the world's most popular sport fishes. Centrarchids …
Limited hybridisation and introgression despite stocking among endemic Interior Highlands black basses (Centrarchidae: Micropterus)
Abstract Aim Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu; SMB) are globally popular among
anglers and have been widely introduced (ie stocked) for population management and …
anglers and have been widely introduced (ie stocked) for population management and …
Miocene rivers and taxon cycles clarify the comparative biogeography of N orth A merican highland fishes
Abstract Aim Our aims were:(1) to use recently published phylogenies of six widely
distributed clades of highland‐type fishes in a comparative analysis that investigates …
distributed clades of highland‐type fishes in a comparative analysis that investigates …
Molecular Phylogeny and Phylogeography of the Australian Freshwater Fish Genus Galaxiella, with an Emphasis on Dwarf Galaxias (G. pusilla)
The freshwater fauna of Southern Australia is primarily restricted to the southwestern and
southeastern corners of the continent, and is separated by a large, arid region that is …
southeastern corners of the continent, and is separated by a large, arid region that is …
Reconstructing the introduction history of an invasive fish predator in South Africa
Abstract The Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) is a global invader with
demonstrated ecological impacts on native fish communities. Introductions of fishes in …
demonstrated ecological impacts on native fish communities. Introductions of fishes in …
Complex introgression among three diverged largemouth bass lineages
Hybrid zones between diverged lineages offer a unique opportunity to study evolutionary
processes related to speciation. Natural and anthropogenic hybridization in the black …
processes related to speciation. Natural and anthropogenic hybridization in the black …
Phylogeography and species delimitation in convict cichlids (Cichlidae: Amatitlania): implications for taxonomy and Plio–Pleistocene evolutionary history in Central …
We investigate phylogeographic patterns and delimit species boundaries within Amatitlania,
a genus of Central American cichlid fishes. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA …
a genus of Central American cichlid fishes. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA …