Relationship between global identity and pro-environmental behavior and environmental concern: a systematic review
Global issues such as environmental problems and climate change, require collective
efforts. Global identity has been linked to the promotion of pro-environmental behavior by …
efforts. Global identity has been linked to the promotion of pro-environmental behavior by …
Tourists' intention to visit green hotels: building on the theory of planned behaviour and the value-belief-norm theory
Purpose This study integrates the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and value-belief-norm
(VBN) theory to investigate tourists' intention and behaviour to visit green hotels in Malaysia …
(VBN) theory to investigate tourists' intention and behaviour to visit green hotels in Malaysia …
A meta-analysis of antecedents of pro-environmental behavioral intention of tourists and hospitality consumers
Several empirical studies have examined factors that influence consumer pro-environmental
behavior intentions in tourism and hospitality contexts, given the importance placed on …
behavior intentions in tourism and hospitality contexts, given the importance placed on …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring the heterogeneity in drivers of energy-saving behaviours among hotel guests: Insights from the theory of planned behaviour and personality profiles
Guest behaviour is important in driving hotel energy consumption, operating cost and
environmental issues. Promoting energy-saving behaviours of guests is a promising strategy …
environmental issues. Promoting energy-saving behaviours of guests is a promising strategy …
Water resources in the hotel industry: a systematic literature review
Purpose This study aims to structure research on water resources in the hotel industry,
identifying the key areas and research gaps in this field. Design/methodology/approach A …
identifying the key areas and research gaps in this field. Design/methodology/approach A …
Determinants of hotel guests' pro-environmental behaviour: Past behaviour as moderator
This study aims to explore the determinants of hotel guests' pro-environmental behaviour
using past behaviour as a moderator. The study used the partial least square technique to …
using past behaviour as a moderator. The study used the partial least square technique to …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of COVID-19 on tourist satisfaction with B&B in Zhejiang, China: An importance–performance analysis
After the outbreak of COVID-19 (especially in the stage of tourism recovery), the bed and
breakfast (B&B) tourism industry faced big challenges in improving its health strategies …
breakfast (B&B) tourism industry faced big challenges in improving its health strategies …
Green hotels: The state of green hotel research and future prospects
This paper draws attention to the critical account of green hotels from various stakeholder
perspectives. It reviews why and how the green hotel industry is increasingly involved in …
perspectives. It reviews why and how the green hotel industry is increasingly involved in …
Are you a water saver? Discovering people's water-saving intention by extending the theory of planned behavior
Saving water is a common responsibility of all humanity, which is essential for achieving
sustainable use of global water resources. The aim of this study is to discover the …
sustainable use of global water resources. The aim of this study is to discover the …
Effects of hotels' corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives on green consumer behavior: Investigating the roles of consumer engagement, positive emotions, and …
Recently the hotel industry has been facing immense pressure from several stakeholders,
including the government, society, and consumers, to reduce the adverse impact of their …
including the government, society, and consumers, to reduce the adverse impact of their …