5G key technologies for smart railways
Railway communications has attracted significant attention from both academia and
industries due to the booming development of railways, especially high-speed railways …
industries due to the booming development of railways, especially high-speed railways …
Towards 6G: Paradigm of realistic terahertz channel modeling
Terahertz (THz) communications are envisioned as a key technology for the sixth-generation
wireless communication system (6G). However, it is not practical to perform large-scale …
wireless communication system (6G). However, it is not practical to perform large-scale …
Measurement, simulation, and characterization of train-to-infrastructure inside-station channel at the terahertz band
In this paper, we measure, simulate, and characterize the train-to-infrastructure (T2I) inside-
station channel at the terahertz (THz) band for the first time. To begin with, a series of …
station channel at the terahertz (THz) band for the first time. To begin with, a series of …
Towards realistic high-speed train channels at 5G millimeter-wave band—Part II: Case study for paradigm implementation
In this paper, we present two case studies for generating realistic high-speed train (HST)
channels at fifth-generation (5G) millimeter-wave (mmWave) band. The first one is the tunnel …
channels at fifth-generation (5G) millimeter-wave (mmWave) band. The first one is the tunnel …
Dynamically reversible and strong circular dichroism based on Babinet-invertible chiral metasurfaces
We propose a Babinet-invertible chiral metasurface for achieving dynamically reversible and
strong circular dichroism (CD). The proposed metasurface is composed of a VO 2–metal …
strong circular dichroism (CD). The proposed metasurface is composed of a VO 2–metal …
Review on ray tracing channel simulation accuracy in sub-6 GHz outdoor deployment scenarios
In this article, a review of the achieved accuracy in the literature for ray tracing (RT) based
channel modeling is presented with a focus on outdoor propagation scenarios in the sub-6 …
channel modeling is presented with a focus on outdoor propagation scenarios in the sub-6 …
[PDF][PDF] Beyond 5G: the role of THz spectrum
There have been substantial technical and policy discussions about the spectrum needs of
5G and the necessity of expanding access to higher frequency spectrum, including in the …
5G and the necessity of expanding access to higher frequency spectrum, including in the …
Measurement‐based omnidirectional millimetre‐wave and sub‐THz propagation analysis in a large cubicle office environment
For 5G beyond and/or 6G mobile services, a new spectrum at frequencies above 100 GHz
has received great attention lately. To characterise the similarities and the differences …
has received great attention lately. To characterise the similarities and the differences …
Space-time/frequency line coded OFDM: System design and practical implementation
In this paper, we investigate a class of new multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
transmission schemes, dubbed space time line code (STLC), in the context of different …
transmission schemes, dubbed space time line code (STLC), in the context of different …
Low‐altitude UAV air‐ground propagation channel measurement and analysis in a suburban environment at 3.9 GHz
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been applied to various promising applications
because of their features of high‐mobility, portability, rapid deployment, and modest power …
because of their features of high‐mobility, portability, rapid deployment, and modest power …