Climate change impacts on San Francisco estuary aquatic ecosystems: A review
B Herbold, E Bush, G Castillo… - San Francisco …, 2022 -
Climate change is intensifying the effects of multiple interacting stressors on aquatic
ecosystems worldwide. In the San Francisco Estuary, signals of climate change are …
ecosystems worldwide. In the San Francisco Estuary, signals of climate change are …
Four decades of climatic fluctuations and fish recruitment stability across a marine‐freshwater gradient
Investigating the effects of climatic variability on biological diversity, productivity, and stability
is key to understanding possible futures for ecosystems under accelerating climate change …
is key to understanding possible futures for ecosystems under accelerating climate change …
Governing ecological connectivity in cross-scale dependent systems
Ecosystem management and governance of cross-scale dependent systems require
integrating knowledge about ecological connectivity in its multiple forms and scales …
integrating knowledge about ecological connectivity in its multiple forms and scales …
Geographic variation in salt marsh structure and function for nekton: a guide to finding commonality across multiple scales
Coastal salt marshes are distributed widely across the globe and are considered essential
habitat for many fish and crustacean species. Yet, the literature on fishery support by salt …
habitat for many fish and crustacean species. Yet, the literature on fishery support by salt …
Food web fuel differs across habitats and seasons of a tidal freshwater estuary
Estuarine food webs are fueled by multiple different primary producers. However, identifying
the relative importance of each producer to consumers is difficult, particularly for fishes that …
the relative importance of each producer to consumers is difficult, particularly for fishes that …
Habitat use and connectivity
Many complex factors determine the role of estuarine habitats and landscapes in fish growth
and survival that ultimately contribute individuals to adult populations. In this chapter, we …
and survival that ultimately contribute individuals to adult populations. In this chapter, we …
A comparison of eDNA sampling methods in an estuarine environment on presence of longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) and fish community composition
The loss of tidal wetlands in the San Francisco Bay estuary have led to declines in native
fish presence. Restoration of tidal wetlands in this area has intensified, with a primary goal of …
fish presence. Restoration of tidal wetlands in this area has intensified, with a primary goal of …
[KÖNYV][B] Fish and Fisheries in estuaries: A global perspective
AK Whitfield, KW Able, SJM Blaber, M Elliott - 2022 -
Das zweibändige Werk Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries: A Global Perspective enthält eine
Darstellung des aktuellen Wissensstandes über Fische in Ästuaren. In Beiträgen von mehr …
Darstellung des aktuellen Wissensstandes über Fische in Ästuaren. In Beiträgen von mehr …
Forbs from seasonal managed wetlands boost plankton production more than emergent graminoids by supplying novel labile detritus
KA Phillips, AM Tung, RM McConnell… - Freshwater …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Opportunities to enhance ecosystem functions exist in human‐dominated working
landscapes, but understanding of key drivers is often lacking in these novel environments. In …
landscapes, but understanding of key drivers is often lacking in these novel environments. In …
Five decades (1972–2020) of zooplankton monitoring in the upper San Francisco Estuary
We present the longest available dataset (by 15 years) of estuarine zooplankton abundance
worldwide. Zooplankton have been monitored throughout the upper San Francisco Estuary …
worldwide. Zooplankton have been monitored throughout the upper San Francisco Estuary …