On flexible force fields for metal–organic frameworks: Recent developments and future prospects

J Heinen, D Dubbeldam - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews …, 2018‏ - Wiley Online Library
Classical force field simulations can be used to study structural, diffusion, and adsorption
properties of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). To account for the dynamic behavior of the …

Critical behavior of active Brownian particles

JT Siebert, F Dittrich, F Schmid, K Binder, T Speck… - Physical Review E, 2018‏ - APS
We study active Brownian particles as a paradigm for a genuine nonequilibrium phase
transition requiring steady driving. Access to the critical point in computer simulations is …

[HTML][HTML] Fluctuations, finite-size effects and the thermodynamic limit in computer simulations: Revisiting the spatial block analysis method

M Heidari, K Kremer, R Potestio, R Cortes-Huerto - Entropy, 2018‏ - mdpi.com
The spatial block analysis (SBA) method has been introduced to efficiently extrapolate
thermodynamic quantities from finite-size computer simulations of a large variety of physical …

Two-stage melting induced by dislocations and grain boundaries in monolayers of hard spheres

W Qi, AP Gantapara, M Dijkstra - Soft Matter, 2014‏ - pubs.rsc.org
Melting in two-dimensional systems has remained controversial as theory, simulations, and
experiments show contrasting results. One issue that obscures this discussion is whether or …

[HTML][HTML] Deformation gradients for continuum mechanical analysis of atomistic simulations

JA Zimmerman, DJ Bammann, H Gao - International Journal of Solids and …, 2009‏ - Elsevier
We present an expression developed for calculating an atomic-scale deformation gradient
within atomistic simulations. This expression is used to analyze the deformation fields for a …

[HTML][HTML] Communication: Kirkwood-Buff integrals in the thermodynamic limit from small-sized molecular dynamics simulations

R Cortes-Huerto, K Kremer, R Potestio - The Journal of Chemical …, 2016‏ - pubs.aip.org
We present an accurate and efficient method to obtain Kirkwood-Buff (KB) integrals in the
thermodynamic limit from small-sized molecular dynamics simulations. By introducing finite …

Large-scale simulations of the two-dimensional melting of hard disks

CH Mak - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2006‏ - APS
Large-scale computer simulations with more than four million particles have been performed
to study the melting transition in a two-dimensional hard disk fluid. The van der Waals loop …

The liquid-solid transition of harddiscs: first-order transition orKosterlitz-Thouless-Halperin-Nelson-Young scenario?

K Binder, S Sengupta, P Nielaba - Journal of Physics …, 2002‏ - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the question of whether a two-dimensional hard-disc fluid has a first-order
transition from the liquid state to the solid state as in the three-dimensional melting …

Elastic behavior of a two-dimensional crystal near melting

HH von Grünberg, P Keim, K Zahn, G Maret - Physical review letters, 2004‏ - APS
Using positional data from video microscopy, we determine the elastic moduli of two-
dimensional colloidal crystals as a function of temperature. The moduli are extracted from …

Elastic properties of dense solid phases of hard cyclic pentamers and heptamers in two dimensions

KW Wojciechowski, KV Tretiakov, M Kowalik - Physical Review E, 2003‏ - APS
Abstract Systems of model planar, nonconvex, hard-body “molecules” of fivefold and
sevenfold symmetry axes are studied by constant pressure Monte Carlo simulations with …