Indigenous peoples and organization studies
This essay encourages scholars of management and organization studies (MOS) to critically
reflect on how Indigenous peoples and their knowledges have been, and continue to be …
reflect on how Indigenous peoples and their knowledges have been, and continue to be …
Promoting equality for ethnic minority NHS staff—what works?
Promoting equality for ethnic minority NHS staff—what works? | The BMJ Skip to main content
Intended for healthcare professionals Access provided by Google Indexer Subscribe My …
Intended for healthcare professionals Access provided by Google Indexer Subscribe My …
[КНИГА][B] Does affirmative action address ethnic inequality? A systematic review of the literature
S Schotte, RM Gisselquist, T Leone - 2023 - econstor.eu
Despite the good intentions behind affirmative action (AA) policies to mediate'horizontal
inequalities' between ethnic groups, the evidence on their effectiveness remains open to …
inequalities' between ethnic groups, the evidence on their effectiveness remains open to …
Understanding Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plans from a corporate social responsibility perspective
D Schepis - Resources Policy, 2020 - Elsevier
Many local and foreign companies operating in Australia are now establishing
Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) to commit to and report on specific activities for …
Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) to commit to and report on specific activities for …
Being indigenous in the bureaucracy
J Lahn - International Indigenous Policy Journal, 2018 - JSTOR
Australia's civil service has had some success in attracting substantial numbers of
Indigenous employees. But significant numbers also regularly exit the bureaucracy …
Indigenous employees. But significant numbers also regularly exit the bureaucracy …
Reconciliation action plans: Origins, innovations and trends
C Lloyd - Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, 2018 - search.informit.org
This article tells the remarkable history of the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program for
the first time. Since its founding in 2006, more than one thousand Australian organisations …
the first time. Since its founding in 2006, more than one thousand Australian organisations …
Indigenous player inclusion in the Australian Football League
J Ferrer, P Turner - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International …, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to audit the efforts made around the support of
indigenous players within the Australian Football League (AFL). Design/methodology …
indigenous players within the Australian Football League (AFL). Design/methodology …
Does Australia have an advantage in promoting financial well-being and what might Canada and other countries learn?
J Buckland, C Daniels, V Godinho - Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 2020 - JSTOR
Strategies to promote consumer financial well-being are different in Australia and Canada
even though they have many similarities at the demographic, social, and economic levels. In …
even though they have many similarities at the demographic, social, and economic levels. In …
Indigenous self-identification across generations: parent–child links in Australian survey data
Our study is an exploratory examination of Indigenous self-identification within families using
triads of biological mothers, fathers, and children. This study investigates whether …
triads of biological mothers, fathers, and children. This study investigates whether …
[PDF][PDF] Statement of Originality
S Leroy-Dyer - 2016 - nova.newcastle.edu.au
My name is Sharlene Leroy-Dyer; I am a Guringai1/Gadigal2/Dhurag3/Wiradjuri4 woman,
born on Gadigal land and raised in Dhurag country. I now live on the land of the Awabakal5 …
born on Gadigal land and raised in Dhurag country. I now live on the land of the Awabakal5 …