Corallinapetrales and Corallinapetraceae: A new order and family of coralline red algae including Corallinapetra gabrielii comb. nov.
The coralline algal genus Corallinapetra is currently monospecific and was established on
the species Corallinapetra novaezelandiae, known from a single collection from north …
the species Corallinapetra novaezelandiae, known from a single collection from north …
Eastern Pacific
NM Robinson, C Fernández-García… - Rhodolith/Maërl Beds: A …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract In the Eastern Pacific (EP) the only region where rhodolith beds have been well
studied in terms of taxonomy, ecology, distribution and conservation status is the Gulf of …
studied in terms of taxonomy, ecology, distribution and conservation status is the Gulf of …
Stratigraphic development of a late oligocene reef complex under strong fluviatile influence in the tertiary piedmont basin (Liguria, NW Italy)
A Briguglio, G Vannucci, C Bruzzone, M Piazza - Micropaleontology, 2021 - JSTOR
The modern-day decline of coral reefs due to bleaching events has been recognized as one
of the major consequences of man-driven climate change. However, also eutrophication has …
of the major consequences of man-driven climate change. However, also eutrophication has …
A study of the original material of Lithothamnion engelhartii Foslie (Corallinales, Rhodophyta)
A Athanasiadis - Botanica Marina, 2017 -
Eight collections of the type material of Lithothamnion engelhartii from Cape Jaffa and
Kingston (South Australia) were re-examined and two disparate entities were shown to be …
Kingston (South Australia) were re-examined and two disparate entities were shown to be …
[PDF][PDF] Ecosistemas conformados por macroalgas, pastos marinos y mangle en México: su curriculum vitae
EF Rosas-Alquicira, C Pacheco-Ramírez… - Ciencia y Mar, 2012 -
Ecosistemas conformados por macroalgas marinos, pastos marinos y mangle en México: su
curriculum vitae. A nivel mundial, poblaciones importantes de macroalgas, pastos marinos y …
curriculum vitae. A nivel mundial, poblaciones importantes de macroalgas, pastos marinos y …
[PDF][PDF] Una visión en la ficología marina mexicana.
RR Rodríguez -
El presente escrito es un intento por presentar y analizar, desde un punto de vista muy
personal de los que esto escriben, la obra del Dr. Riosmena Rodríguez en el marco de la …
personal de los que esto escriben, la obra del Dr. Riosmena Rodríguez en el marco de la …
[NAVEDBA][C] Mesophyllum engelhartii (Foslie) WH Adey
IN Algarum, JM Huisman