Stability and climate policy? Harnessing insights on path dependence, policy feedback, and transition pathways

D Rosenbloom, J Meadowcroft, B Cashore - Energy Research & Social …, 2019 - Elsevier
Instilling climate policy with stability has emerged as a central concern in both the academic
literature and societal discourse around climate change. Societal actors have called for …

Increasing returns, path dependence, and the study of politics

P Pierson - American political science review, 2000 -
It is increasingly common for social scientists to describe political processes as “path
dependent.” The concept, however, is often employed without careful elaboration. This …

[BOOK][B] Cultivating communities of practice: A guide to managing knowledge

E Wenger, RA McDermott, W Snyder - 2002 -
Today's marketplace is fueled by knowledge. Yet organizing systematically to leverage
knowledge remains a challenge. Leading companies have discovered that technology is not …

[BOOK][B] Social Movements, 1768-2012

C Tilly, LJ Wood - 2015 -
The updated and expanded third edition of Tilly's widely acclaimed book brings this
analytical history of social movements fully up to date. Tilly and Wood cover such recent …

[BOOK][B] The weakness of civil society in post-communist Europe

MM Howard - 2003 -
Over a decade has passed since the collapse of communism, yet citizens of post-communist
countries are still far less likely to join voluntary organizations than people from other …

[BOOK][B] A new engagement?: Political participation, civic life, and the changing American citizen

C Zukin, S Keeter, M Andolina, K Jenkins, MXD Carpini - 2006 -
In searching for answers as to why young people differ vastly from their parents and
grandparents when it comes to turning out the vote, A New Engagement challenges the …

[BOOK][B] The upswing: How America came together a century ago and how we can do it again

RD Putnam - 2020 -
From the author of Bowling Alone and Our Kids, a “swee** yet remarkably
accessible”(The Wall Street Journal) analysis that “offers superb, often counterintuitive …

[PDF][PDF] Survey article: recipes for public spheres: eight institutional design choices and their consequences.

A Fung - Journal of political philosophy, 2003 - Citeseer
MUCH of the recent conceptual and empirical analysis of the public sphere has focused on
large institutions, trends, and potential responses. 1 For example, recent work on civic …

[BOOK][B] Cooperation without trust?

KS Cook, R Hardin, M Levi - 2005 -
Some social theorists claim that trust is necessary for the smooth functioning of a democratic
society. Yet many recent surveys suggest that trust is on the wane in the United States. Does …

[BOOK][B] No citizen left behind

M Levinson - 2012 -
Ev ery morning as they enter Walden Middle School, students line up in front of our assistant
principal. Holding a metaldetecting wand in his right hand, he sweeps it in front and back of …