Responses of yield and appearance quality of four Brassicaceae microgreens to varied blue light proportion in red and blue light-emitting diodes lighting
To optimize blue light proportion in red and blue light-emitting diode (RB-LED) lighting for
microgreen production, the yield and appearance quality of cabbage, kale, arugula and …
microgreen production, the yield and appearance quality of cabbage, kale, arugula and …
Amazon wood species classification: a comparison between deep learning and pre-designed features
In many countries, the wood industry is a crucial sector and has a significant economic
impact. In this sense, illegal logging is a way to reduce costs, avoiding taxes, or having …
impact. In this sense, illegal logging is a way to reduce costs, avoiding taxes, or having …
Plant identification based on leaf midrib cross-section images using fractal descriptors
The correct identification of plants is a common necessity not only to researchers but also to
the lay public. Recently, computational methods have been employed to facilitate this task …
the lay public. Recently, computational methods have been employed to facilitate this task …
Patch-based CNN evaluation for bark classification
The identification of tree species from bark images is a challenging computer vision
problem. However, even in the era of deep learning today, bark recognition continues to be …
problem. However, even in the era of deep learning today, bark recognition continues to be …
Whether color, shape and texture of leaves are the key features for image processing based plant recognition? An analysis!
Studies on plant identification through image processing consider shape, color and texture
features of leafs. But botanist's uses leaf morphology, leaf arrangement, types of venation …
features of leafs. But botanist's uses leaf morphology, leaf arrangement, types of venation …
Leaf epidermis images for robust identification of plants
This paper proposes a methodology for plant analysis and identification based on extracting
texture features from microscopic images of leaf epidermis. All the experiments were carried …
texture features from microscopic images of leaf epidermis. All the experiments were carried …
Statistical analysis of texture in trunk images for biometric identification of tree species
The identification of tree species is a key step for sustainable management plans of forest
resources, as well as for several other applications that are based on such surveys …
resources, as well as for several other applications that are based on such surveys …
A computer vision approach to quantify leaf anatomical plasticity: a case study on Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera
Inferences about leaf anatomical characteristics had largely been made by manually
measuring diverse leaf regions, such as cuticle, epidermis and parenchyma to evaluate …
measuring diverse leaf regions, such as cuticle, epidermis and parenchyma to evaluate …
Randomized neural network based signature for color texture classification
Color texture analysis is an important subject in computer vision research. This paper
presents an innovative and powerful color texture analysis method based on a randomized …
presents an innovative and powerful color texture analysis method based on a randomized …
[PDF][PDF] Exploration on using light-emitting diode spectra to improve the quality and yield of microgreens in controlled environments
Q Ying - 2020 -
Light is essential for plant production, and adjusting light quality has potential in enhancing
their desired growth characteristics and secondary metabolite profiles. This study explored …
their desired growth characteristics and secondary metabolite profiles. This study explored …