Dynamics of globally coupled oscillators: Progress and perspectives

A Pikovsky, M Rosenblum - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of …, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
In this paper, we discuss recent progress in research of ensembles of mean field coupled
oscillators. Without an ambition to present a comprehensive review, we outline most …

Chimera states: coexistence of coherence and incoherence in networks of coupled oscillators

MJ Panaggio, DM Abrams - Nonlinearity, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
A chimera state is a spatio-temporal pattern in a network of identical coupled oscillators in
which synchronous and asynchronous oscillation coexist. This state of broken symmetry …

Chimera states in mechanical oscillator networks

EA Martens, S Thutupalli, A Fourriere… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 - pnas.org
The synchronization of coupled oscillators is a fascinating manifestation of self-organization
that nature uses to orchestrate essential processes of life, such as the beating of the heart …

Chimera and phase-cluster states in populations of coupled chemical oscillators

MR Tinsley, S Nkomo, K Showalter - Nature Physics, 2012 - nature.com
Populations of coupled oscillators may exhibit two coexisting subpopulations, one with
synchronized oscillations and the other with unsynchronized oscillations, even though all of …

The mathematics behind chimera states

OE Omel'chenko - Nonlinearity, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
Chimera states are self-organized spatiotemporal patterns of coexisting coherence and
incoherence. We give an overview of the main mathematical methods used in studies of …

Chimera patterns in networks

A Zakharova - Springer, 2020 - Springer
Synchronization phenomena represent one of the central issues in the modern research, in
particular, on nonlinear dynamics, network science, and statistical physics with applications …

Solvable model for chimera states of coupled oscillators

DM Abrams, R Mirollo, SH Strogatz, DA Wiley - Physical review letters, 2008 - APS
Networks of identical, symmetrically coupled oscillators can spontaneously split into
synchronized and desynchronized subpopulations. Such chimera states were discovered in …

Virtual chimera states for delayed-feedback systems

L Larger, B Penkovsky, Y Maistrenko - Physical review letters, 2013 - APS
Time-delayed systems are found to display remarkable temporal patterns the dynamics of
which split into regular and chaotic components repeating at the interval of a delay. This …

Chimera states: The existence criteria revisited

GC Sethia, A Sen - Physical review letters, 2014 - APS
Chimera states, representing a spontaneous breakup of a population of identical oscillators
that are identically coupled, into subpopulations displaying synchronized and …