Spectral theory of Liouvillians for dissipative phase transitions

F Minganti, A Biella, N Bartolo, C Ciuti - Physical Review A, 2018 - APS
A state of an open quantum system is described by a density matrix, whose dynamics is
governed by a Liouvillian superoperator. Within a general framework, we explore …

Hybrid-Liouvillian formalism connecting exceptional points of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and Liouvillians via postselection of quantum trajectories

F Minganti, A Miranowicz, RW Chhajlany, II Arkhipov… - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
Exceptional points (EPs) are degeneracies of classical and quantum open systems, which
are studied in many areas of physics including optics, optoelectronics, plasmonics, and …

Quantum critical regime in a quadratically driven nonlinear photonic lattice

R Rota, F Minganti, C Ciuti, V Savona - Physical review letters, 2019 - APS
We study an array of coupled optical cavities in the presence of two-photon driving and
dissipation. The system displays a critical behavior similar to that of a quantum Ising model …

Dissipative phase transitions in -photon driven quantum nonlinear resonators

F Minganti, V Savona, A Biella - Quantum, 2023 - quantum-journal.org
We investigate and characterize the emergence of finite-component dissipative phase
transitions (DPTs) in nonlinear photon resonators subject to $ n $-photon driving and …

Continuous dissipative phase transitions with or without symmetry breaking

F Minganti, II Arkhipov, A Miranowicz… - New Journal of …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
The paradigm of second-order phase transitions (PTs) induced by spontaneous symmetry
breaking (SSB) in thermal and quantum systems is a pillar of modern physics that has been …

Symmetries and conservation laws in quantum trajectories: Dissipative freezing

C Sánchez Muñoz, B Buča, J Tindall… - Physical Review A, 2019 - APS
In driven-dissipative systems, the presence of a strong symmetry guarantees the existence
of several steady states belonging to different symmetry sectors. Here we show that when a …

Parameter estimation from quantum-jump data using neural networks

E Rinaldi, MG Lastre, SG Herreros… - Quantum Science …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
We present an inference method utilizing artificial neural networks for parameter estimation
of a quantum probe monitored through a single continuous measurement. Unlike existing …

Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a quadratically driven nonlinear photonic lattice

V Savona - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
We investigate the occurrence of a phase transition, characterized by the spontaneous
breaking of a discrete symmetry, in a driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard lattice in the …

Liouvillian spectral collapse in the Scully-Lamb laser model

F Minganti, II Arkhipov, A Miranowicz, F Nori - Physical Review Research, 2021 - APS
Phase transitions of thermal systems and the laser threshold were first connected more than
forty years ago. Despite the nonequilibrium nature of the laser, the Landau theory of thermal …

Steady-state quantum chaos in open quantum systems

F Ferrari, L Gravina, D Eeltink, P Scarlino… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 - arxiv.org
We introduce the notion of steady-state quantum chaos as a general phenomenon in open
quantum many-body systems. Classifying an isolated or open quantum system as integrable …