Generalized gradient vector flow for snakes: new observations, analysis, and improvement
Snakes, or active contours, have been widely used in image processing applications. An
external force for snakes called gradient vector flow (GVF) attempts to address traditional …
external force for snakes called gradient vector flow (GVF) attempts to address traditional …
[HTML][HTML] Image segmentation using active contours with hessian-based gradient vector flow external force
Q Qian, K Cheng, W Qian, Q Deng, Y Wang - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
The gradient vector flow (GVF) model has been widely used in the field of computer image
segmentation. In order to achieve better results in image processing, there are many …
segmentation. In order to achieve better results in image processing, there are many …
Fast gradient vector flow computation based on augmented Lagrangian method
Gradient vector flow (GVF) and generalized GVF (GGVF) have been widely applied in many
image processing applications. The high cost of GVF/GGVF computation, however, has …
image processing applications. The high cost of GVF/GGVF computation, however, has …
Image segmentation using active contours with modified convolutional virtual electric field external force with an edge-stop** function
K Cheng, T **ao, Q Chen, Y Wang - Plos one, 2020 - journals.plos.org
The gradient vector flow (GVF) is an effective external force to deform the active contours.
However, it suffers from high computational cost. For efficiency, the virtual electric field (VEF) …
However, it suffers from high computational cost. For efficiency, the virtual electric field (VEF) …
Watershed based intelligent scissors
W Wieclawek, E Pietka - Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2015 - Elsevier
Watershed based modification of intelligent scissors has been developed. This approach
requires a preprocessing phase with anisotropic diffusion to reduce subtle edges. Then, the …
requires a preprocessing phase with anisotropic diffusion to reduce subtle edges. Then, the …
Fast solver for some computational imaging problems: A regularized weighted least-squares approach
In this paper we propose to solve a range of computational imaging problems under a
unified perspective of a regularized weighted least-squares (RWLS) framework. These …
unified perspective of a regularized weighted least-squares (RWLS) framework. These …
Medical image segmentation with deformable models on graphics processing units
R Alvarado, JJ Tapia, JC Rolón - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2014 - Springer
In this work, the parallel implementation of a segmentation algorithm based on the gradient
vector flow (GVF) deformable model in a graphics processing unit (GPU) is presented. The …
vector flow (GVF) deformable model in a graphics processing unit (GPU) is presented. The …
Shape constraints for the left ventricle segmentation from cardiac cine mri based on snake models
Segmentation of the left ventricle (LV) is a hot topic in cardiac magnetic resonance (MR)
images analysis. To make thorough use of the anatomical and functional information, it is …
images analysis. To make thorough use of the anatomical and functional information, it is …
An augmented Lagrangian method for fast gradient vector flow computation
Gradient vector flow (GVF) and its generalization have been widely applied in many image
processing applications. The high cost of GVF computation, however, has restricted their …
processing applications. The high cost of GVF computation, however, has restricted their …
Efficient numerical schemes for Chan-Vese active contour models in image segmentation
J Liang, M Li, C Liao - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018 - Springer
In this paper, we introduce multi-symplectic Lagrangian variational integrators for solving
Chan-Vese active contour models in image segmentation. Energy functionals are …
Chan-Vese active contour models in image segmentation. Energy functionals are …